King's Lynn, UK

I made this a couple of months ago, but didn't really have a proper chiptune outlet to get decent opinions from. This is literally the first song I've done so be kind. I'm using LSDJ, completely raw, so just the one copy, and it's done through an emulator (I don't yet have a cartridge to load it on to, but I should be getting one soon). So, urm yeah. Let me know where I'm going wrong (as I probably am) and hopefully how to put it right.

Untitled (currently)

Thanks in advance


EDIT forgot to say, there's a lot of hissy crap at the start and end that I haven't bothered with getting rid of, as I've been quite busy, and I wasn't really planning on doing anything with this track, it was more of a test than anything. Also I feel that the second half is a lot stronger than the first, but I guess I want your opinion on that more than mine.

Last edited by HillyOTM (Nov 14, 2012 11:27 pm)

California, United States

Posted my thoughts on soundcloud, I am wondering, whats your musical background? If any?

King's Lynn, UK

None really, I've started various instruments, never to much avail, I was a half decent drummer for a bit, but then I moved out for uni, and had no room for my kit anymore, so it kind of trailed off. I get what you mean about the bass, my second song has much more but I never bothered to record it. I don't however understand what you mean by unsupported, if you could clarify what you mean any more, that may be helpful.


also the noise is because I derped when recording. I couldn't find a recorder that would record whatever was on my desktop, so I plugged a M to M jack straight from my PC speaker into my PC mic and my mic has awful settings at the moment because I'm a terrible person on games.


Oh and thanks

Last edited by HillyOTM (Nov 15, 2012 12:03 am)

California, United States

Im trying to say the lack of bass and background harmony makes it feel very light and has nothing to it

King's Lynn, UK

OK thanks, I'll try to think about that in future.


It's got a really raw and unrefined sound that I really dig. I agree with the opinion of a lack of bass. As for recording from an emulator, which emulator are you using? When I was recording from an emulator, I used the Wave Export function in BGB and then imported that into Audacity, which worked really well until I got my flash cart.

Great job on your first song, it was much better than mine smile

King's Lynn, UK

I'm using VisualBoyAdvance, I googled the best way to do it at the time, but couldn't find anything suitable, so I just kind of bodged it so I could get a recording. And I did use audacity, but I only recorded, I didn't use any other audacity features.

Madriz, Supain

More drum strcture and a bass would be ace. I like the melody a lot

King's Lynn, UK

Thanks. I've since learnt a little more about making decent cymbal sounds, as for drums, I feel kind of stuck, I don't massively like the in built kits for LSDJ, I feel like they don't have enough umph behind them for me. Is there anything I can do to make them sound a little more powerful, or make a different drumbeat-like sound?

Madriz, Supain

Most people use a pulse channel or the wav one for kicks, a short one for hi hats and some random one for snares, both of thenm on the noise channel. That trick leaves you the first pulse channel empty for melodies, and/or the second one and the wav one as well.
Honestly I dont like the sample kits too

King's Lynn, UK

Great, I'll try that out, thanks!

NC in the US of America

Can't say anything else that hasn't been said. I enjoyed listening.

orange county, CA

Yeah, stock drum kits are terrible. PM me if you need any pulse/wav kick tips and tricks.


Also try layering synth percussion behind the sample percussion.

orange county, CA
herr_prof wrote:

Also try layering synth percussion behind the sample percussion.

This as well.