
Say you have two envelopes:

@v0 = { 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 }
@v1 = { 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 }

and you're using quarter notes,
Does that mean that the entire envelope is compressed into the space of the quarter note?
Would v0 and v1 in the above example BOTH fit into the same space of one note?

So if the envelope was "15, 0, 15" then the empty "0" part would take up only a third of the time of the note, whereas if the envelope was "15, 0, 0, 15" the empty 0 would take up half the note?
Can the envelope be 30 numbers long? Are there limits?

Just trying to understand the envelope function a bit more.

I've read  but it didn't answer the question.

Chicago IL

no, it won't stretch an envelope out to fit the default note length.


possibly it is based on ticks, possibly with twenty-four ticks per quarter note


Buenos Aires, Argentina

Curiosity, why do you use MML rather than the NES trackers with Macros/Envelopes?


possibly he is doing music for a system that has no tracker yet (or did such a thing go extinct since deflemask) yikes

i used mml for pc-engine before deflemask and i think there still isn't an MSX tracker or maybe x68000 or pc9801 or?? dunno


I'm working on making custom music for a nes homebrew. Would a tracker be a better option? I thought the music had to be in MML format to properly convert it for use in programming a game rom.

Chicago IL

No, MML is better. NSF doesn't exist in NES games, it's just what people created for the music code ripped out of them.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

With Famitracker you could export the ASM code of player+music, DefleMask will include ASM export in the next update too. Using MML for NES music is a waste of time right now.

Chicago IL

nah, MML gets super quick once you learn it.


Yeah, I'm not having any trouble programming in MML. Just curious about the limits of the envelop function and how to get the most out of it.