Hey, I've just recieved a dmg from greightbit.com and I can only barely see things on screen when the contrast is at it's highest setting. Any suggestions for what I should do?
When contrast is at it's highest, you can't see anything no matter what. First off, you mention a backlight in the title but not the post. Is there really a backlight, or is the screen unmodded?
No matter what position the contrast is at, I can't see anything. It does have a backlight, yes. My apologies for not making it clear.
are you using fresh batteries in your console?
(seems like thats the culprit in way too many scenarios lately)
are you using fresh batteries in your console?
(seems like thats the culprit in way too many scenarios lately)
either that, or someone forgot to put in the polariser sheet.
but first try new batteries indeed.
He has a point. Also, can you hear sound? Cause if not then it might be completely screwed. If new batteries don't help, then the screen might have been screwed up in the process. Does the backlight even light up when the gameboy is turned on? Oh, and has it been bi-verted, in-verted, etc?
The colour is blue, I ordered if from here.
http://www.greightbit.com/gearshop/inde … duct_id=50
I emailed the owner and I'm awaiting a response.
I am using fresh batteries. Is that a problem?
I can hear the sound perfectly. The backlight comes on when the gameboy is turned on, and the backlit isn't biverted or inverted to my knowledge.
no, fresh batteries are perfect....
Timbob has a good point though... might be a missing polarization film.
just to make sure... is the power LED coming on?
and, can you see the screen enough to play a game real quick and make sure all the buttons are working too?
The power LED comes on as normal. I just popped in tetris, and it looks like all the buttons work perfectly too. It also has a prosound, which is working as well.
k. thanks! button failure indicates a busted CPU sometimes, so that's good
i'm really thinking its a polarization film oversight. unless the potentiometer for the contrast is broken...
does the contrast knob make any difference when you turn it? i mean... i know the contrast doesn't correct itself doing that, but does the screen change at all when you do this?
particularly, does the screen seem to (as a whole) make a shift from being one color to the other? (a normal<->inverted shift is what I mean). if it does, and you still see no graphics really on the screen, i'm laying money the polarization film on top of the backlight panel is missing...
The contrast knob makes only the slightest difference. All it seems to be doing is making the pixels only the slightest bit visible, I mean barely visible looking at the right angle.
I don't see anything too noticable though. It just stays the same, bright blue.
thanks so much for all this info.... troubleshooting you will help others, and all that...
keep us posted about the solution? i'd personally like to know...
and, good luck! i'm out of ideas now
Thanks kitsch and everyone for the help! I'll keep the thread posted until I solve my problem. I might look into ordering a polarization screen like this
http://www.djtransformer.com/shop/produ … product=32 and doing it myself if that's the problem.
shit man...
i'm sort of curious now, if you want to cover shipping i'll send you a piece of film my charge. don't mind.... in the pursuit of knowledge after all...
PM me if so, i'll hook you up to a link to pay for just shipping...