
Hey guys I have this:

And I want to modify it to work with DMGs. It has two ports for player one and two and a switch to swap between the two. I think it would be very cool to wire it so both ports can be plugged into seperate gameboys and control them. I see this being very useful for live shows using LSDJ running 2xDMG making it easier to start phrases and easily jump back and forth between two gameboys without having to change where your hands are.

Does anyone know how I would go about doing this? Ive seen NES controllers to DMG so its possible. But there no good tutorial Ive found thats complete on how to wire a Controller to DMG. They are all incomplete or just writen very poorly. If anyone could make a tutorial ad post it that would be amazing. It can be just for a NES pad to Dmg tut and im sure i can figure out how to wire this thing from that.

Thank you in advance.


new jersey

I was playing with a ruined front board yesterday and I noticed that all of the buttons seem to run up to the ribbon that connects the two boards. If you clip your meter to one of the ground jumpers, you should be able to test which leads on the ribbon are connected to which button presses. From there, maybe connect your dmg to nes adapter to the back of the back of the ribbon box on the back board.

Good luck.


Yea i think they run there also. Issue here though is i dont have a meter atm. If anyone could post the pinouts and label them that would be amazing.


NES controllers use an 8 bit shift register with signal/ground. The DMG uses a simple matrix for the buttons, and connecting an NES controller without diodes will result in some unwanted shorts. So this can't be achieved with an adapter, at least not without a rom patch.

The same results can be achieved without destroying NES hardware. You'll just need some momentary switches and a box.

Last edited by Apeshit (Dec 16, 2012 3:01 am)

new jersey

Ha! I totally forgot that the nes controller jack only has like 6 pins. So yeah, you'd be gutting the advantage and making a new board with each button connected to it's own wire out of the cord.

You really are going to need a meter though. Even if someone has/finds info about that ribbon, you need to check it. Otherwise you're setting yourself up for some heartbreak at the end of your project.

Melbourne, Australia

Here's one take on external control for the GameBoy:

...and this looks like what you want, but you'd need to ask justinthursday to explain what's going on inside here:

...and one more - nitro2k01 found a way to connect a NES controller to the link port!


Haha thanks. Way ahead of you though. Already talked to Justin about 4 hours ago. Hes going to work out a pinout for me i think. I have a feeling Ill probably be asking NeX to make this work for me though when I get the cash.

Melbourne, Australia

Cool - please share the details when you find a solution! big_smile


Since you mentioned me, what I'm doing is to connect the NES controller to the link port, to "talk" its protocol. This requires whatever software you're using it with to be designed for this method (or patched.)