e.s.c. wrote:

i didnt think 2.01-2.1 can be updated to newer versions since the cart hardware was different


lastfuture wrote:

I've recently written down a step by step set of instructions for Mac OS 10.6 and newer here:

Thanks for linking to that. I've saved it in case I ever need it.

e.s.c. wrote:

i didnt think 2.01-2.1 can be updated to newer versions since the cart hardware was different

You know, when i ordered it a couple weeks ago I SWEAR I didn't see that mine wasn't compatible, and I was checking. Now looking at Oliver's site, it clearly says 2.2+. He must've clarified that just within the last several days, otherwise i probably wouldn't have spent the $16 on the adaptor.

Fuckballs. So what's the difference between 2.0.1 and 2.6? I know mine has 8 tracks and 2.6 only has 4? What's the tradeoff for less tracks? Is it worth it to buy a new cart?


Yes, I have updated the site recently and modified "2.x" to "2.2+". The shop page where you ordered the adaptor always said "2.2+" though. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear enough. If you don't need the adaptor, just cancel your order. Or, if you're in the U.S., you may even sell it with profit.

The 2.0 - 2.1 carts contain a different chip and are not compatible with the newer versions.

For the less tracks in 2.6 you get a much easier to operate software. One of the tracks has 4 voices, so the polyphony is still there, it's just bundled into 4 tracks.

Last edited by oliver (Dec 6, 2012 2:51 pm)


Alrighty then. Thanks for the reply. Now I know what to ask my girlfriend to buy me for Christmas. And I'll go ahead an keep the adaptor for possible future updates and MIDI sync.

Last edited by plaid_emu (Dec 7, 2012 2:01 pm)

oliver wrote:

Here is a new windows binary:
You can set the throttling with -midi <value> where <value> should be roughly between 20 and 50. Default is 26.

So this throttling dictates the effective MIDI timing resolution? And this is in milliseconds, right?

1 second / .026 seconds = about 38 MIDI state changes per second on the Game Boy?

Last edited by fluxer (Dec 18, 2012 6:31 am)


It's not milliseconds, it's main loop cycles in the controller's program. I don't know how much delay one cycle adds.

Please note that this has nothing to do with MIDI clock.

The byte rate on a real (non-USB) MIDI connection 3125 bytes per second. On USB-MIDI, bytes come in in blocks at USB-speed (I guess the total byte rate is still limited to 3125, though, because otherwise it would be incompatible with real MIDI). The adaptor buffers the data and forwards them at approximately the MIDI byte rate.
The throttling can be helpful if the application on the Game Boy has difficulties processing the data at MIDI speed, which is the case with mGB (I think Arduinoboy also buffers and throttles). This is possible because the number of bytes actually sent is always much less than the maximum, so you can stretch the byte rate and still not miss any data.

The default value of 26 is only slightly slower than real MIDI. It is the rate mGB works stable with.

Unless there is a new, faster version of mGB or you are developing another MIDI program for Game Boy that either needs more delay or can process data faster, there is no point in messing with the throttling.


I'm very curious about the GetMidi option. What midi signals can it send?

nanoloop website wrote:


This command inverts the direction so that MIDI signals are sent from the Game Boy to the PC.
The adaptor performs no parsing, each byte is forwarded as it is, may it be valid MIDI data or not. Using this function with random non-MIDI data from a Game Boy program may confuse/crash a PC software and / or the USB / MIDI driver.


It relies on the GB program to send data formatted as MIDI. There's probably no software today that can actually make use of this functionality. (Trash80's modded LSDj version has a different protocol.) If you wanted to try if it works, I guess you could connect one NL adapter in MIDI out mode to another NL adapter in MIDI in, or an Arduinoboy in MIDI mode to an NL adapter in MIDI in mode to form a loopback.


Greetings from the future!

Can anybody give me a complete list of gb/gbc roms that this Nanoloop midi usb adapter has been proven to work with? In particular, does it work with Pushpin? I'm looking to create a midi-keyboard-playable gameboy color setup with as much sound design flexibility as possible (ideally with LSDJ-like wave drawing and table functionality), and as far as I have read, that means using Pushpin.

Also if I am wrong about this, please enlighten me. I am very new to this, aside from having a good grasp of LSDJ on an emulator.


pushpin does not use the link port in a normal way but does software UART (the MIDI format) via the unused pin on the gb color's link port. this allows to wire a MIDI cable directly to the link port.
all other programs expect data in the link port's native SPI format and that's what the adaptors are for: they are MIDI to SPI (arduinoboy) or USB-MIDI to SPI (nanoloop adaptor) converters. besides the plain conversion, they have special modes for sync, data transfer and others.

i think your only choices are mgb or to modify pushpin so that it receives data via SPI. or maybe it has an option for that?


Ah ok, thank you so much for clearing that up Oliver! Really appreciate it.
I'll be buying your adapter and using mGB then.


Boom! Here's a version of Pushpin that works with SPI mode. (Arduinoboy/nanolooop MIDI). … loop-midi/

Last edited by nitro2k01 (Nov 14, 2016 10:43 am)


HOLY SHIT NITRO2K01 I LOVE YOU!!! after researching and bashing my head in trying to figure out what's what all day, this honestly just made me so happy! thank you so much!!!


With that said, I'm not sure Pushpin is the GB MIDI panacea. mGB is probably over all a better solution. But now you have the choice. smile


Well I am very very appreciative of the ability to at least try out all these nifty MIDI programs using the nanoloop adapter as my one-stop solution. I was getting pretty discouraged seeing how unstandardized and technically complicated all these gameboy music interfaces are, thinking I'd have to go get an engineering degree and break the bank just to be able to make some decent chiptunes with my MIDI keyboard. So you just brought my spirits up immensely! big_smile


Is it possible to use the adaptor for LSDJ midi out mode?