you had the opportunity to go with "hipsteries" there, why didn't you?
I didn't think it was an apparent enough portmanteau / pun, but now that I think about it, you're right.
They're gonna make me hand my literature degree back in.
*Throws down Parliament Full Flavor cigarette butt and PBR tall boy can.*
Too funny... I used to see lots of boxes of wine and Turkish Royals round these parts
American Spirit Blues are the standard issue hipster cigarette here, but I thought Parliaments were the less locale-specific one to reference.
Oh Seems like i'm a hipster by accident.
Holy shit, thread over.
Seems like i'm a hipster by accident.
Hahah no you're not.
If i learned anything from the pretentious sludge-metal scene in Seattle; Everyone that's aware of the Chipmusic in Seattle, already thinks it is full of hipsters. This was only a few years ago so I mean, maybe it got worse or better. Why am I even saying anything.
you all know nothing. hipsters dont smoke cigarettes - obv they roll their own. you know like poor people do. same as those fucking blazers they buy from charity shops. to be honest everyone ive ever seen on youtube playing chip/blips looked like a hipster. but you know, you can see the forest through the tress. or something......