CURRENT UPDATE AS OF 3/11/2013:SNES, N64, Gamecube, and Club Nintendo stuff is up. More coming as people ask for it.
Feel free to haggle, most prices are OBO, and I'll take the price down a bit if you get multiple things from me at once.
Also I'm open to discuss trades. I'm not looking for anything in particular at the moment, but if you've got something neat, give it a shot and we can talk about it.
DS games
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All DS games save for Ivy the Kiwi were bought new and kept in like new condition.
$12 shipped each:
Feel the Magic XY/XX
Elite Beat Agents
Sonic Rush
Ivy the Kiwi
The Legendary Starfy
My Japanese Coach (currently on hold)
$15 shipped each:
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
Animal Crossing: Wild World
Super Mario 64 DS
MarioKart DS
The World Ends With You
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
The Rub Rabbits!
Action Replay
$20 shipped each:
Osu! Tatake! Ouendan! (Japanese counterpart to Elite Beat Agents)
Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
And The Dark Spire is $25 shipped
Gamecube stuff
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The console has the power cord, but it doesn't have a controller or A/V cords, a friend gave it to me like that. I tested it out with the A/V cords from my SNES and a controller from another friend and it worked fine, it just doesn't have a controller or A/V cords.
$15 shipped for the console/cord, $35 shipped for DDR: Mario Mix with the dancepad, $5 shipped for Viewtiful Joe 1, $10 shipped each for any of the other games.
N64 stuff
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Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and StarFox 64 have been sold.
$60 shipped for the console, four controllers, rumble pak and memory card.
$20 shipped for Pokemon Stadium with the Gameboy adapters
$20 shipped each for Megaman 64, MarioKart 64, Super Mario 64
$10 shipped for any of the other games.
SNES stuff
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Anything in the picture that isn't listed has been sold
SNES with power/TV cords, two controllers - $50 shipped
Super Mario All-Stars - $10 shipped
Tetris Attack - $6 shipped
Skins Game - $5 shipped
Sparkster - $30 shipped OBO
Ms. Pac Man - $6 shipped
Mario's Time Machine - $6 shipped
Jimmy Houston Bass Tournament - $5 shipped
Paperboy 2 - $6 shipped
Mother 2 - $20 shipped (This is a Super Famicom game, but it will work in the SNES if you break the little plastic tabs out of the cartridge slot with a pair of needlenose pliers. :v)
Donkey Kong Country - $15 shipped (I forgot to include it in the picture, but it's just the cartridge, good condition, no label wear or anything)
If you don't want all of the games/want to mix and match stuff, PM me and we can discuss different pricing.
Club Nintendo rewards
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All of the Club Nintendo stuff has sat under my bed in the packaging it came to me in since I got it, except the Mario hat and the nunchuck.
I opened the Mario hat and took some pictures with it when I got it, and then put it back in it's packaging and under my bed. The nunchuck was used once lightly with the Skyward Sword Wiimote+. I couldn't resist trying 'em out. 
$20 shipped each for the platinum poker cards, the hanafuda cards, the pin set, and the hat.
$15 shipped each for the bag and the handheld history trading cards.
$40 shipped for the statue.
Make me an offer for the nunchuck if you want, but I'm probably going to end up taking it to eBay with my Skyward Sword bundle.
Original glacier GBA boxed - $35 shipped
Like new condition, only played it once to test it.

Grape GBC boxed - $35 shipped
Same as the GBA, like new condition, only played once to test it.

unmodded teal CGB - $20 shipped CURRENTLY ON HOLD

If you're interested in anything specific, let me know and I'll put it up next.
I have (games and systems) SNES, N64, Gamecube, Genesis, Dreamcast, Gamegear, and PS1. I also have a ton of Gameboy, GBC, and GBA games.
Last edited by PianoGameboy (Mar 27, 2013 1:20 am)