Wht the fuck? DKSTR pixelling? That shit was AWESOME! Finally another quality piece in this thread
i'll print that one and put it in my office! Thanks Heikki!
Thanks everyone!
Ok, my challenge is:
Make a pixelart image of something that has happened to you and you seem to remember it for the rest of your life, like a nice childhood memory, pretty landscape, your first time you were drunk, getting to fight or whatever. Think about it as a weird holiday picture or something, like a pic you would want to show your friends. But it has to be something real!
It has to be in 16:9 aspect ratio and say under 32 colors, no other restrictions!
And the challenge goes to.....Arfink! If Arfink has already done one, I'll choose the last one who has expressed interest, Betasynapse!
Btw, it would be nice if first post would show everybody who have done challenge already!
OK, I haven't been challenged yet, actually. Even though I'm organizing it. Will get a look at it probably around 7:00 PM tonight.
OH, I know what I want to do now. The time when I almost lit the sacristy cabinets on fire while altar serving at my church. Hilarious. Little incense mishap, hehe.
Ahahahahahaha, I almost busted out laughing in the middle of class. xD
By the way, its actually BetaSynapse. I'm too lazy to copy a ϐ in front of my name every time I login so I write it out and cap both names instead. ( Not like I should be nitpicking if I'm too lazy to fix it though.... >.> )
OH, I know what I want to do now. The time when I almost lit the sacristy cabinets on fire while altar serving at my church. Hilarious.
Little incense mishap, hehe.
Yeah thats exactly something that I had in mind! Good luck!
DKSTR, your art is beautiful
Thank you, always liked your pieces so this is very nice to hear:)
im up for this as soon as i get access to a computer again
oh my, look how many days have passed!
what has happened here?
Yeah, a little messy I admit. Bad time for my laptop to kick the bucket. I just got things (kinda) back to normal today after finding a new hard drive. When I have dealt with other "Real Life" issues concerning my computer failure I'll get around to re-doing my challenge, unless someone else wants to give it a whack. Sorry guys.