Douglas, Wyoming

Well better lyrics would help, also better vocals as far as recording. Less repetitive and add some instrumentation variation (That sounds like a school house rock title) and well work on song writing more so than throwing something together in half an hour and yelling over it. Drums/noise channel was good but I would definitely take some time to sit down, and plan the song out. Work on some music theory, even if it's by ear:

You can be lighthearted and still make serious music that sounds good, but when you make lighthearted music with no direction and randomly you start heading down a dangerous path to ant1hood

The "This Formal Goodbye Would Not Be Complete Without A FUCK YOU" is really good, do more stuff like that.

NC in the US of America

This is a really old thread.

Monotron wrote:

You can be lighthearted and still make serious music that sounds good, but when you make lighthearted music with no direction and randomly you start heading down a dangerous path to ant1hood.

What are you talking about ant1hood is a great place to be. I agree that it is a dangerous path to travel, though.

Last edited by SketchMan3 (May 13, 2013 5:29 pm)