Spaceman wrote:Fuck Audacity. Use Goldwave. More Simple.
Wow, I haven't heard that name in ages, is that still a thing, or are you using the same version that I still have installed on my win98 laptop?
basspuddle wrote:kind of off topic, but my new favorite thing is taking images and layering a semi-opaque monochrome image of the same thing over it

Why would you ruin such a good tape? You monster!
Also, here's an alternative way to do glitch pictures, shamelessly stolen from the thread of the same name on another forum I browse.
uitham wrote:
Corrupt pictures!
1. Open the picture of choice in photoshop, or any other picture editing software that supports exporting to a RAW format
2. Save as .RAW (In photoshop: "Photoshop RAW Format (.RAW)") with no interlacing
3. In audacity, Import > Raw data... and use U-Law in the codec
4. Play it for no reason (optional)
5. Apply effects, like wahwah and compression + amplification
6. Export, choose other thingy without compression, press Options in the bottom and do U-Law and RAW, save it as the raw fomat again
7. Open in photoshop, do 3 channels and the original resolution
8. Done!
You can also, instead of audacity, use other stuff that manipulates non-image files and supports raw supporting! (Try opening it in a text editor and writing a story about bald midgets in the middle for example)
Experiment and have fun!
Thought it would be worth posting, seeing as it's different to AC's way.