Interesting read Bitman
- I agree that my approach needs tuning, hence why I'm asking people such as yourself for information.. Let me make it clear that my business model isn't designed to make "clear profit".. its designed to sustain myself so that I can dedicate all my time to this industry in whatever capacity my brain tells me to.. Its a lifestyle choice that I intend to follow to the T 
I have already done extensive market research and am already very well aware of Kitch-bent and ASM electronics as well as exactly what modding can be done with various systems as well as circuit bending (to an extent), I've looked at all costs to be incured as well as projecting losses and incomes, distribution, marketing, radio campaigns, damaged goods and legal gumph.. But in essence, ALL of this comes much later on when I know the market for what it is.. That's why I'm asking such questions, so I can truly understand what it is that consumers require and finding the trends of specific requirements.. The fact that nobody has data mined the information to find out how the industry develops year upon year is exactly what has drawn me to your good selves 
I believe that in order to educate on many fronts, we have to strip it all back and approach it differently.. I learned LSDJ for example in the exact manner that you mentioned, old videos and forum posts etc.. wouldn't it be grand to have a tailor made service for a newbie who is willing to learn, to enable him/her to explore their limitations without the hassle of having to trundle the web constantly for videos and posts.. Maybe someday I could run classes and forums and try to generate interest (again, much later down the line..) I am already in contact with major retailers about specifics, although they also require solid data because a space in a store could be better spent by them if the products don't sell.. But that aside, I have a miliion ideas anyway
I know what I need to do, it's just learning from great speakers such as yourself, which direction would be a good one to go.. for example, I don't want to spend a fortune modding consoles, if the bottom is about to fall out of the market and then I'm stuck wit a load of hardware that I can't shift.. which as you'll no doubt know with your degree, can be a major pain in the butt
It seems that you do indeed understand my dilemma and exactly why my fears are paramount to the cause, which I appreciate hugely, so thank you for that, it's refreshing to speak with people who are able to nurture, as well as inform 
Yes I am bold haha, I believe that in aiming high, we can cover a wider apex, and the plans I have, I believe, can help.. because that is my nature.. I have a vision where chiptune can reach a wider audience and be appreciated by those who never thought they could ever like it.
What I've been hoping to achieve from the initial post is to find out from like-minded individuals, what exactly people in the UK actually need, it will help me build momentum and move the ball in a particular direction.. I like all of your suggestions very much and I've taken many notes to expand upon.. I've worked within the music industry for many years so I have a good working knowledge of the music side of the industry.. And so that brings me onwards to a new challenge, and those around me know I love a challenge.. Chiptune!! 
One thing I have learned for sure, is to just start small.. plants some seeds, and let the plant grow.. If it's meant to be, then it will happen