I highly recommend you start with basic theory classes and perhaps go on to jazz theory. It's probably a good idea to pick up a second instrument, a trumpet or balalaika would do nicely. However you shouldn't stop there. Marching band will get you into the proper shape you'll need to "chip out" at the shows and let everyone know you party hard and rock the gameboy like none other. Invest in unsual attire. Wear a tie with super mario riding yoshi and maybe a tattoo of yourself but pixelated so everyone knows you are serious. Invest in cm.o stock and let the gang know you are now a shareholder of the booming chiptune market. Declare your love for the chiptune genre and maybe start thinking about how you can get a sick lighting set up for your shows by drawing sick pixel art in ms paint and projecting it up in a powerpoint presentation.
Good luck and god bless your soul. You paid for chiptunes
Last edited by The One Electronic (Jun 21, 2013 1:50 pm)