
Hi everyone! Im testing out the teensyboy on a breadboard … lease.html

All Leds and the push button works fine and I tested de the LSDJ sync mode and it works great! but I couldnt get mGB mode or Lsdj Keyboard mode to work, I will try them again in a couple of days, one of the problems is that sometimes when I press de mode switch button my FL Studio Freezes and it forces me to disconnect de teensy usb and reboot the FL Studio. So....

Can someone give me a clue on how to modify de arduinoboy code? so I can just upload 1 mode, example: I want just to upload de mGB mode code to de arduino ( teensy ) or just upload the LSDJ Keyboard Mode so I can test all functions or modes one by one. And it would be cool to know how to customize the arduinoboy removing some modes I dont use too smile

Thank you and sorry for my bad English


bad english? your english is just fine


Hi maniacfreakquency,

i just sent you a mail on how to do it..

During teensyboy developpment i've made modification to use only 1 mode. the way to do it was to modify the switchMode() function.


Care to share how you did that? ive been thinking about of constraining the mode myself.

defPREMIUM wrote:

bad english? your english is just fine

Yeah, never apologise for not being perfect in a second language, feel proud that you even speak one.


EDIT : Forget these modifications below, I just saw that trash80 already implemented a force mode into the arduinoboy code :
in the Arduinoboy_1_2_3.ino there are 2 variables that do the trick (i never tried but should work)
  0x00, //force mode (forces lsdj to be sl)
  0x00, //mode
herr_prof, the way i did it was for developpment and debugging purposes, so it may not the most clean way to do that but see below how I did this :

Small Warning : I did that on December so it is what i remember, ideally it would need to be retested .. not sure if i did  not modify some other parts, after a quick look in the code, it should do the trick but to be sure I would need to digg more into the Trash80 code. So test it and check if it's working.

in the file mode.ino you have a "void switchMode()" function which is responsible of choosing the different modes.
in this function i commented the whole switch(..) case, etc.. and added  the function i wanted. see example below :

void switchMode()

  modeLSDJSlaveSyncSetup();         // added the mode i want ti run alone

/*    commented all this part below
    case 0:
    case 1:

    case 6:

et voila ..
you don't need to comment you can also delete the switch function but if you want to change your code after it is easier if it's commented ..
After doing that if you use the switch the led will continue to change but every mode change will launch the same mode ...

and again .. a Big tHanks to trash80 for this amazing Arduinoboy ...

If you are tired to use midi with big DIN cables and prefer to use usb midi, don't hesitate to test teensyboy, the arduinoboy on a Teensy : code has been released but need testers because i'm not a expert with LSDJ,Arduinoboy,mGB, etc..

Last edited by xray303 (Jul 20, 2013 8:41 pm)


Thanks xray303! an thanks everyone for your replies, ok heres the info of my test, 1. trying to figure out why this arduinoboy code has 6 modes, I have an arduinoboy with 5 modes only XD, The fist led on pin F7 on the teensy doesnt light on, I try changing the led and the resistor but when I push he button several times never light on,
2.Lsdj Slave Sync works Great!
3.mGB work great with (Select + A: Toggles the screen on or off, better battery life, less noise, and faster response).
4 Lsdj Keyboard mode I just got crazy stuff but only on the mGB mode in the other modes doesnt work, can someone give me a clue on how to get lsdj keyboard mode to work?



Thanks! The teensyboy def deserves its own thread!

Mexico … teensy-20/


xray303 please update the post adding the sourcecode for teensy here … teensy-20/  so we can get more testers, I cant reply in that post because im new on and the post is 3 months our of date


Whoops I thought this was new!


xray303 maybe the Teensyboy deserves a new post!



Effectively i added one more led  ( didn't remember why) the the led on F7 (arduino transcoded pin 16) will never light up because it is not used ..
Sorry for the misunderstanding about this, i will correct this modify the documentation.

As i remember the keyboard mode was working (not sure if i tested all function on the keyboard mode) .. need to find my GB with my teensyboy shield to make some test...


I tested LSDJ keyboard mode and it works great!


So Lsdj slave mode working
     Lsdj keyboard mode working
     mGB working