Phew! I finally made it here. I registered a few days ago but today I found out that the spam folder in my mail client != spam folder in my website control panel. Damned modern technology. And I still have the flu. OK, enough excuses... 
If you've any questions/suggestions, fire away!
By way of a starter, here's what I still need to do on NTRQ before I consider it fit for release (taken from my dev log so might not make much sense);
+ Fix bug with insert/delete in Pitch & Duty Tables where indexes get wrongly updated
+ Get to the bottom of hardware sweep instability (it's a bit "wild" at the moment)
+ Vibrato rewrite using sine table
+ Make notes on Triangle channel display an octave below others (as that's how they sound)
+ Add simple Delay command to Pitch Table
+ Add "Wait For Release" command to Pitch Table
+ Pitch Slide still needs more work. Slides in lower octaves not really fast enough at maximum speed
+ Muting needs to kill DPCM immediately
+ Add Sample Offset to DPCM commands
+ Implement remaining play modes (play from marker, loop single song step etc.)
Bug count is currently not *too* bad. Major thing is the odd occasion I get a bit of screen corruption. I think I'm just trying to write too much to the screen in places and when it spikes (say if you have a pattern with a note/command on every step), it messes up a few CHRs and only a power cycle can restore it.
Just picking up on a couple of things from the thread here;
1) Is NTRQ a great leap forward for NES music? Probably not. Computer-based trackers are always going to be (able to be) faster and more fluid to use (well, some of them anyway) and you certainly don't face the same limitations that I have when making NTRQ. I think NTRQ started out as something to prove but it's actually turned into a very, very usable and fun tool. The videos I put up don't really do it justice and I'm the most modest person you'll meet. 
2) Yes, I'm currently developing on Netopia but I also have a Famicom(AV) and PowerPak cart that I test on every couple of days. I've not tested any other emulators much but I have ran it on Nintendulator and nothing obvious reared up.
3) Composition Vs Live: I thought about this a lot and tried to make it somewhere in between the two. It's honestly easier to compose in than you might imagine. The Achilles Heel is obviously no keyboard-style input. I just use NLog (software synth) on my iPhone to work tunes out
Hopefully I can get some Famicom keyboard support in (when I actually get my hands on one). The Billie Jean tune took me hardly any time at all to knock up and that's before I have the extra play features such as "Loop Single Song Step" which will aid composition (so you can repeat the same section and tweak it until it's right). It does lend itself to live play though, very much. To enhance this I'm going to put in a "Live Jam" mode where you'll be able to "take over" one of the channels and play it with the joypad. That's a little way off though.
4) DPCM. This is the least-developed area of NTRQ at the moment but I've been experimenting and have a few ideas to implement. I'm going to give you enough tools to be able to build your own bank of samples but I also want to compile a useful default sample set for people that don't want to build ROMs. Ideas very welcome!
5) I need some breakfast.