Having the time of my life right here! Talking a tea break though.
Your soldering skills are fantastic!!
Thank you again for all of this effort
Excited to give these a go.
Your soldering skills are fantastic!!
Thank you again for all of this effort
Excited to give these a go.
THank you, but its all because of my new hot air station!
ohhhhh, feedback?
any issues with the heat element? i'm pretty curious about your thoughts, glad you seem to be liking it a lot
Still no problems with the heat and I used both the soldering iron and air for three+ hours straight.
I did notice that I have to set my iron a bit hotter than the air though.
What should we do a group printing of next?! Start a vote and I will build it!
I am up for making libraries, schematics and boards of anything so just name it. Prjects that are currently ready to print include:
Atari 2600 32K ROM-Only cartridge.
Apple II PS/2 keyboard adapter.
Apple II SD -to-floppy adapter.
SMT ArduinoBoy
z80 dev board.
And other stuff that I can't think of atm.
(z80 dev board is being done now, just fyi, and someone else on here is doing a smt aboy too)
group buys! woohoo
scratch that....
ignore what i just wrote.
go for the dev board!
z80 dev: 3
ArduinoBoy: 1
I also just finished my caliper work on a sega genesis cartridge connector, so my library file is finally complete. Gawd that was a pain.
Last edited by Jazzmarazz (Sep 13, 2013 4:46 am)
Oh man Jazz, so much sex!
You sort of made me fall off my chair when I looked at the back of the board, cool touch!
Boards are looking great populated, will have to order some parts now.
Also +1 Z80 Dev
@Kitsch - Yeah I was meaning using IR beneath and Air above, your right in saying IR rework stations "can" be inconsistent, however the IR pre-heaters are right on the money
During the peak about 4 years ago I was using a ACHI IR-PRO-SC but didn't like it and sold it in favor for my current Air/IR setup.
Have a look at the Puhui T8280 if you want to look at a decent IR pre-heater with a huge user base, these are used buy a ton of people (myself included) for reflowing and reballing PS3 / 360 MB's (Eg BGA GPU & CPU work), great temps and last forever.
Last edited by DaRkO (Sep 13, 2013 10:05 am)
+ to dev board, because there are already so many arduinoboy things out there.
Also, are you planning on doing another batch of these any time soon? It's just when you where getting money for these, I was skint, so I couldn't put my name down for one.
+5 for the dev board. THats pretty good. As Kitsch already knows, I hope to add a PS/2 keyboard adapter and composite video output to the board which already has Serial (or USB if I work in a TTL pin header.)
This is going very well. I sure have a lot of work ahead of me. Lol
Last edited by Jazzmarazz (Sep 14, 2013 6:19 am)