nitro2k01 wrote:There's always little-scale's SMSM, which will work for GG as well.
An idea: I wonder if it wouldn't be possible to make a GG cartridge with a GB cartridge slot, to act as an adapter. The physical interface and general memory map is about the same, which means the CPU should be able to access the memory just fine. What is different is the memory mapping, which means that commercial ROMs bigger than 32 kB will not work using this method. But this might be a convenient way to kickstart the Game Gear software scene.
Ha! I love it. Don't think I will look into right now, but it surely could be done.
As for SMSM, I forgot where to find it, so I thought I made it up. derp...
He says that it requires the third party adapter, but as I stated above, there is a jumper on the cart edge which determines GG or SMS (or so I have read). Gerry O'Brian knows everything, so I hit up his web site again.
SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:Jazzmarazz wrote:NeoGeo or GG? I would need a NeoGeo Cart to measure with my calipers so that I could make library files.
No cart would be damaged if you were to me one. 
Neo geo pocket. It has been made by other people in the past in retrogaming forums and the such, for astronomical prices.
I know, and its bollox. I am not interested in making SD-carts or other multi-rom-usb-compat devices. What I can do is the simple, 1-ROM per cart flash cartridge. This substantially drops the price due to the simplicity. I still have to figure out the !CE and !OE pins of the ROM chip, but then the cart will be complete and ready for production.