

As the title says, when I'm linking my GBA (with nanoloop 1.6) to my Micro (nanoloop 2.6) (through a Micro link-cable with a micro link cable converter), the GBA is making an insane amount of noise.. so much that's it's pretty much useless.

Does anyone know what might be causing this ?



Let me rephrase that: I'd like to know if anyone knows anything about this - wether it's a wellknown or obvious issue or not.
Is it normal that the link establishment between a GBA and a micro would cause extra unwanted noise? No?

66 has viewed this topic as of now, and I'm wondering why no one has anything to say on this :-)

Last edited by soerena (Sep 12, 2013 7:50 am)


I wish I knew more, but maybe it is the adapter? I could be really wrong