Thank you very much for all your input!
BR1GHT PR1MATE wrote:rockmans older stuff is pretty DnB centric without getting into breakcore. also some of smiletron early lsdj stuff is probably worth checking out. all 1xlsdj
Smiletron definitely goes into the right direction, although it is fakebit (according to the tags) - I am not sure wether I can produce something similar sounding with 1xLSDj.
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:defiantsystems wrote:I've done some 1xLSDJ DnB stuff on my album:
My advice is don't use just 1xLSDJ. The drums created in LSDJ just don't do justice to DnB and at some point you'll have to sacrifice aspects of either the drums or the bass for one to sound close to what you really want. 2xLSDJ could work better but honestly you're better off pairing LSDJ with a DAW building your drums tracks inside the DAW.
Not so! LSDj drums can totally work DnB. Yeah, it won't sound like literal Amen breaks if you aren't using samples, but I write Drum/Drill/Glitch n' Bass all the time. Make a table-compressed noise snare, and an arsenal of noise hihats with varying shapes and parameters for the K command, and a good thick kick drum in the wave channel, and it's totally within reach.
I would agree with Invisible Robot Hands, especially on the importance of wave channel kick drums; the problem with that is the lack of wave bass. PU channel bass is a lot worse than PU channel kick drums IMHO (I tried that. I am looking into adding bass guitar via DAW on that particular piece, but that is always sketchy due to synchronisation isssues. Without added bass, it does not work in a dance club environment.).
Last edited by Direktor (Sep 28, 2013 7:34 pm)