DeerPresident wrote:ike any other instrument (except kazoo), it takes time and lots of practice to get good.
This is a horrible HORRIBLE misconception that needs to be squashed right now. I see it TOO much. Kazoo takes SO MUCH practice and time to master, due to the fact that it requires you to hold a NOTE with your VOICE. Vocal. training for someone who plans to do vocals in their music is just as important as training with any other aspect of your musical expression, be it an instrument, composition, technical proficiency, etc.
Train your VOICE yo. Sing scales and junk so you can stay ON PITCH, and get your quality of tone on point. Push out that diaphragm and use head-tones on them high notes, kid. Give your throat a rest. And control your vibrato and lung capacity for goodness' sake! If your stomach doesn't feel like it's going to flip inside out at the end of your set, you are doing it wrong.
Get it right, son. And do it often so you don't lose it due to 10 years of vocal laziness.

Last edited by SketchMan3 (Oct 4, 2013 4:57 am)