Chicago IL

So for whatever reason, when I use VOPM for OSX in Ableton, the import button doesn't do anything. The load preset button in Ableton only accepts .fxb files. In Renoise, the import window shows up, but it either doesn't change any of the values in VOPM once an OPM is loaded, or it just crashes. Anyone have any luck with this?

Russia, Moscow

I have the same problems under Windows XP in Psycle.

Chicago IL

i probably should've called this thread "look at my gameboy"

The Hollow Earth

LOL! Sorry Saskrotch. I usually try to help fellow Mac users if I can but, I'm not a VOPM user.

Chicago IL

Alright, so I'm doing what I can at the moment. The .opm files can be opened with a text editor, they're basically MML files as far as i can tell. In the text file they show up in a different order than in VOPM. I was just figuring it out by comparing across two different laptops, and then I realized it was written at the top of the .opm:

//MiOPMdrv sound bank Paramer Ver2002.04.22

LFRQ just being FRQ in the LFO section of VOPM, and NFRQ controlling NFRQ in the PROG section.


This is the PROG section of VOPM. Pan seems to have no use.

CON being the algorythm used, and i'm guessing NE is noise.

I'm not sure what SLOT is a control for. It might just be whether or not an instrument shows up in VOPM, as all the usable instruments are set to 120, while all the blank ones are set to 64.

WF would be the waveform of the LFO, i'm guessing 0 = saw, 1= square, 2= tri, 3= noise

//[OPname]: AR D1R D2R    RR D1L    TL    KS MUL DT1 DT2 AMS-EN

Since each OP has it's own set of commands, I'm guessing AMS-EN is 0 for off, 1 for on. the AMS-EN shows up under the PROG section.

The reason I was so confused at first was because VOPM has the OP values in a different order. So this isn't really a fix, but if you've got a lot of time, here's a horrible way to use your OPM files with VOPM.


Did you ever find a better fix for this?

Chicago IL

Nope, I just open .opms in a text file, do it manually in ableton and then save the presets as ableton vst whatever those things are