Buenos Aires - Argentina

Hi. I have some questions about glitchnes.

I saw some people that modified screens of it, like the first one ( the one the title) and also put some screens from games,

i been trying to figure out how to do it, and couldnt find a way, only got to modify the tiles, but not that screens

anyone can give me an advice about it? is something easy to do?

thanks a lot


you can edit the tiles by loading the .chr into yy-chr & then recompiling glitchnes with the edited chr file...

Buenos Aires - Argentina
e.s.c. wrote:

you can edit the tiles by loading the .chr into yy-chr & then recompiling glitchnes with the edited chr file...

yeah that was i did in the first, place. thanks for the answer smile

i been searching the forum for more info and i found this

think that i will try that