Northern Ireland

Hey guys,

So from what Sebastian's said, his name is actually Roger Kuan (idiot). He also goes by "Porkour" according to his facebook but I don't think there's anything music related to that name. He claims he didn't make any money but I highly doubt that. To be honest, I don't see much point in sending him a load of hate, but it may be worth messaging him if you were one of the people whose music he sold.

Northern Ireland

I just sent this to him. It goes to his "Other" folder but w/e:

Hi Roger (8bitstellar),

I believe you have been in contact with Sebastian regarding your theft and exploitation of music that didn't belong to you - my tracks were among those that you had on Grooveshark. What you did is utterly disgusting and completely disrespectful to music and artists.

You claim to never have made money, which I highly doubt considering you have quite a few listeners on and Spotify. I honestly couldn't care less if you're apologetic or in remorse about what you did. None of this will be justified until you do everything necessary to remove what's left of your 8bitstellar identity from the internet. The fact that you haven't done so, due to the need for a payment is ironic. You are still capable of making money from what you have for sale online and are therefore still breaking the law. Get it all taken down and take some responsibility for your actions.

Niamh (chipzel)

Manchester, UK

You tell 'im, Niamh!

That's a good tone. Stay classy, folks.

Northern Ireland

His response:

Roger Kuan
Hi Niamh.
Yes, what I did was wrong and I am going to make this right. In terms of and Spotify, I do not claim monetary royalties from them at all. I have no affiliation with any accounts outside of Revernation. It was Reverb who distributed to some Tunecore shit company, whom then distributed to the major hosts.
Its crazy how much traffic comes and goes through pages Ive never visited or had access to. And then, the most surprising thing is knowing that the Internet archives everything. So from your standpoint, you just want me to fix what trouble I made for myself and the damages done to the other affected artists.
That I will own up to. This will be done in a timely fashion. I give my humble regards to you for not wanting to take my head off with a pitchfork. Unlike some others who would think otherwise.

Northern Ireland

Just been speaking with him on facebook. He's gonna make a post here soon


You see this too much. A humble apology stating the actions that I made were wrong and yada yada yada.

So Ill keep this quick.

The music will be taken down.
I have not claimed royalties for a very long time.
I have not created any accounts inassociation with the infringed music, like Spotify, Amazon,, Grooveshark etc.
Reverbnation distributed to Tunecore.
Tunecore never responds to customer support.
Spotify has no contact solution.
Amazon has not responded to my request.
Last.FM said they removed my profile page, which I did not make.
WTF is Grooveshark.


I was an asshat. I tore myself a new one with this. I want to make this right and am taking action to remove the infringed files. These are not mine to take without permission, nor use. Most of you are asking, just why? And frankly, I could not recollect why I did in the first place. I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I would gladly appreciate if you didn't come at me with pitchforks. In all other things, send DMCA notices to the sites that request Original Creators, and I will work to get the other sites that don't require them, taken down.

From this point on, you will not see me doing this again. Sebastian has offered me a chance to redeem myself later, but in all seriousness, Im not ready to move on, until we ALL are ready to move forward. And there will be those, like Bunnymajs and others aching to seek justice whom I will never be granted redemption for the damage I caused him and his fans.

Im not a bad person. I was back then, and from the looks of things now, I do have time to do some good in this community.

EDIT: If you need to get ahold of me today, send me an email at For all other posts made in regards to this on the thread, I will respond when I come back to it.

Last edited by 8BitStellar (Nov 28, 2013 6:39 pm)

Färjestaden, Sweden

Interesting turn of events.. I'll wait with giving any kind of reply

Edit: No.. no.. I'll say something right now; WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?
Asshat, yes! Stupid, YES! What the actual fuck..

I try to be a nice person in general but this has had me so god damn frustrated and angry for days!
Bah.. The reason i found out about this was that a fan of mine thought I HAD STOLEN IT!
Asking "Why does two of your songs sound exactly the same as this dudes?"..

Last edited by Bunnymajs (Nov 28, 2013 6:40 pm)

Bunnymajs wrote:

Interesting turn of events.. I'll wait with giving any kind of reply

Edit: No.. no.. I'll say something right now; WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?
Asshat, yes! Stupid, YES! What the actual fuck..

I try to be a nice person in general but this has had me so god damn frustrated and angry for days!
Bah.. The reason i found out about this was that a fan of mine thought I HAD STOLEN IT!
Asking "Why does two of your songs sound exactly the same as this dudes?"..

What can I do to alleviate your anxiety? Other than taking the music down, which takes time and cannot be fulfilled right this second. ((though I am working on it)).

Last edited by 8BitStellar (Nov 28, 2013 6:42 pm)

Bronx, NY
8BitStellar wrote:

I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I would gladly appreciate if you didn't come at me with pitchforks.

Maaan, fuck you. You don't get to make these kinds of requests after what you pulled. If you realize how thoroughly you fucked up and how thoroughly wrong you are you should realize that people are legitimately angry and have the right to come at you however they see fit, and you haven't done nearly enough to earn the benefit of the doubt moving forward. All you can and should do is try to move forward from it. But no, you don't get to eat off of people's hard work and then respond with this indignant bullshit.

Fuck you.

Färjestaden, Sweden

I don't know..
I am somewhat relieved that i know the person behind it.
And the choices of what to come is all in the affected artists hands.

I'm going to think about it.

Ricky Brugal wrote:
8BitStellar wrote:

I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I would gladly appreciate if you didn't come at me with pitchforks.

Maaan, fuck you. You don't get to make these kinds of requests after what you pulled. If you realize how thoroughly you fucked up and how thoroughly wrong you are you should realize that people are legitimately angry and have the right to come at you however they see fit, and you haven't done nearly enough to earn the benefit of the doubt moving forward. All you can and should do is try to move forward from it. But no, you don't get to eat off of people's hard work and then respond with this indignant bullshit.

Fuck you.

Well what am I supposed to do? This stuff doesnt come as nothing to me. I know I did wrong, this is on me. If you came at me with a pitchfork, well, how am I supposed to react to that? I havent had anything to do with music since 2010. No revenue/royalties have been claimed. As I mentioned this to Sebastian, the money coming in to a previously terminated account falls into a void; gobbled up by Reverb.

Last edited by 8BitStellar (Nov 28, 2013 6:55 pm)

New Albany Indiana
Ricky Brugal wrote:
8BitStellar wrote:

I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I would gladly appreciate if you didn't come at me with pitchforks.

Maaan, fuck you. You don't get to make these kinds of requests after what you pulled. If you realize how thoroughly you fucked up and how thoroughly wrong you are you should realize that people are legitimately angry and have the right to come at you however they see fit.

What else can we do, you guys arnt actualy suggesting we come at him with pitchforks are you? I'm pretty sure murder is still illegal lol.

What else can we do? He was caught, like every one else, he's not the first.
He knows how big of a turdbugerler  he is, and we know his reall name which completely destroys and possibility he will ever come back to the chip scene these days.

London, UK

8bitstellar, did you upload the music using a distribution agency/company, or did you upload it to each site individually? If you have a contract with a distro company you just email them (or log into your distro account) and delete it from there.

As much as I seriously deplore what you did, especially as some of the artists involved are good friends of mine - it takes something to apologise. I don't know if you genuinely mean it or you've come to the understanding that this could lead you into some serious trouble but either way it's a good thing and I think others should appreciate that you're trying to sort it out.

I think the final thing i'll say about it is that you should be transparent with the details of the payments you have collected from this endeavour, post the details to the community here so that we can work out what each artist is owed and get it to them without needing to go through legal proceedings.


Well.. it's good to have come out, but from convos i've seen you have said to have made '200-300 bucks in one year alone'.

So in all honestly that sum of profit you have made should be spit and sent to the artists who have put hard work onto creating the songs. It's not just theft of music.. it's also taking something personal

That would be the first step to setting things right!


I uploaded through Reverbnation, which I believe to be a distribution site. I am under no contract. I deleted my Reverb account, but the music is still on the other sites. All I want is to move forward after everything is said and done. I have not committed any crime against the chiptune community since the ordeal I pulled in 2010. I will do what I can to make things right between myself and the affected artists like yourself Sabrepulse.

Shirobon wrote:

Well.. it's good to have come out, but from convos i've seen you have said to have made '200-300 bucks in one year alone'.

So in all honestly that sum of profit you have made should be spit and sent to the artists who have put hard work onto creating the songs. It's not just theft of music.. it's also taking something personal

That would be the first step to setting things right!

I would have no problem looking at a royalties list and allocating who gets what and how much. I have no record of how much traffic went to what track and how much revenue was generated from said track.

Last edited by 8BitStellar (Nov 28, 2013 7:25 pm)


double post

Last edited by 8BitStellar (Nov 28, 2013 7:24 pm)