you have worst luck
How do you wipe your arse with 2 broken arms.
there are sooo many types of questions like this. hope you've got a gf
I got radial head fractures on both elbows. The right side is SUPER FUCKED, while the left is only kinda fucked. The way my arms are broken, there's no point in putting them in a cast... So I can wipe my own ass.
Also; I'm as gay as the day is long... So, no girlfriend.
so you were playing gameboy while riding a bike, and that way you got the broken gameboy mod (very nice)... but at the cost of broken arms also
I hate you people...
My dog ran off with the neighbor dog.
I was not okay with Buster deciding that he could just liberate himself from the yard.
I persued the little escape artist on my bicycle... There was some sort of mechanical failure...
Long story short: I high-fived the earth with my body.
I broke both of my arms (radial head fractures) and I'm in a phenomenal amount of pain.
I can't do much of anything right now (short of shakin' it twice and wiping my own ass) and I'm popping Vicodin like PEZ.
Living the dream...
Last edited by Teh D3th St4r (Oct 21, 2013 4:33 pm)
My tip is poop Asian style, squatting. If done correctly you shouldn't have to wipe.
omg @stargazer
@TDS: i swear i have that same domo shirt
Praise science, praise biology, all hail slack.
Anyway. Just got a bunch of crap from Kitsch... Time to make some more cool shit.
I also got one of these sick battery doors. Not sure if I'll put it on a gameboy, or treat it like art and stick it on a shelf with my other dope-ass pieces of crafted creativity.
When you have time can you give the silicone buttons a couple test runs and let us know how they to plastic with things like very high levels of tetris and muddygb diagonal notes. With diagonals it is too sloppy for me to consistently hit the note and just that note, without hitting another first. These being more flexible may have less of an issues with that.
When you have time can you give the silicone buttons a couple test runs and let us know how they to plastic with things like very high levels of tetris and muddygb diagonal notes. With diagonals it is too sloppy for me to consistently hit the note and just that note, without hitting another first. These being more flexible may have less of an issues with that.
I'll be sure to do that. I downloaded muddygb, just need to do some button swapping and I'll spend a little while mashing on it. I'll also see how good the diagonal action is with some zelda.