Super PSG is a bit perfect emulation of an SN76489 chip (SEGA MASTER SYSTEM VERSION) + Timer Interrupt routine modulation + the envelope part of the AY3-8910(MSX, SX SPECTRUM...)
It features band-limited waveforms to have a nice analog sound with no aliasing.
All you need to squeeze the hell of a square wave
Including Timer Modulation Tricks, High speed modulation (up to 300Hz), PCM sample import that can be played through the chip volume register which gives them a unique sound (PCM or PWM way) etc...
Some tracker like "tables" and a unique way of circuit bent the Noise channel! witch basically gives you the ability to reach some ATARI 2600 like metal noise or mess it up in a unique way, all of that in real-time.
Almost everything can be automated or MIDI learned.
Basically the main features of SPSG are:
SN76489 Sega Master System/ Genesis Version Emulation + some extended features (see timer modulation for example >> http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/12185
80-hblank/ )
in order to make some advanced sound out of the simple PSG.
NO aliasing on the tone channels at high frequencies! (band-limited)
Internal Sequencer/Tables for each global setting (envelope, pitch, arp, timers, lfsr...)
Master clock crystal setting : NTSC, PAL, 1Mhz, 4Mhz or anything in between (can be modulated in real-time and stay in tune...)
1 to 64 Steps envelope for Amplitude and Pitch, with delay, clock speed, loop, ping-pong etc...
2 modes arpeggiator (programmable or MIDI controlled with some unique features)
8 memory slots per envelope, arp and advanced waveforms than can be internally sequenced at any available clock speed (can be used as a wave-table for software waveforms...)
Z80 Timer Interrupt routine for Pulse Width emulation (SID) Sound or custom waveforms
AY3-8910 emulated Envelope Generator! Buzzers, Sync Buzz... (not available on a SN76489 but nice to have
PWM & PCM sample import/play
Each envelope clock master speed can be synchronized or independent
Noise channel LFSR extended feature: tweak-able in real-time (tapped bit masks and feedback bit)
The output can be converted from MIDI into a .vgm file using the free tool M2v_PSG by Valley bell.
Can also work as a controller for a modified version of the Little Scale's open source SN76489 interface.
Should work with GENMDM too.
It is available on the same basis as FMDrive Vsti (YM2612 emulation).minimum donation of 10.00 €
Here is an audio test with the real SMS and Alex Kidd ^_^ + custom sounds in the end of the video...
Last edited by Aly James (Dec 20, 2013 3:43 pm)