Cincinnati, OH

So here's what happened:
>Batteries in Game Boy died with 64m EMS inserted
>Replaced batteries
>Fixed Key Delay/Repeat and reloaded the song I was messing with.
>The songs worked fine but I noticed some of the letters in the titles of other songs were messed up.
>Tried opening a song with a messed up title. The first one I tried worked but the second one triggered the "Don't Panic!" screen we all know and love.
>When I turned my Game Boy back on I was terrified as it was checking the sram as if it were booting for the first time.
>All the songs that were working were still on there but the songs with messed up titles still did the same thing and cause the sram to be checked on boot.
>I figured I better back up my sav now before I lose everything.
>I noticed that on GB USB both pages were filled top to bottom with "lsdj 4.whatever version"
>Backed up both pages to be safe.
>Both savs were COMPLETELY cleared out and all of my songs were gone.
>Put the cart back in my Game Boy to see if they were gone forever. Luckily everything was still there so I backed up one more time.
>The sav worked! But now some of my songs are corrupted and can't be accessed.

So I guess the questions are: Is it possible to fix the corrupted songs? Can I move songs from my corrupted save to an older save using LSDJManager?

Ottawa, Ontario


NC in the US of America

Man that's crazy. … -recovery/

Cincinnati, OH

No need for that. I moved over my working songs to my last backup so everything's fine.


That's the weirdest crash I've ever hear.

Cincinnati, OH

Yeah. I was going insane from it.