United Kingdom

I'm about to rit dye an original DMG case, and I was thinking of sanding it to get a smoother finish when I mask and spray paint the dyed case.
As part of the look I'm going for, I'd like to keep the original text, and I was wondering whether sanding the case would remove it. I don't know how deep the pigment goes and I'd rather not waste it as my backup is going to be used for a second build.
Any help is greatly appreciated, and many thanks in advance.

Bucks County, PA

Unfortunately the text doesn't go too deep,  I normally sand before painting, and just a couple passes with 150 grit, and you can already see it start to fade :c

If you go very, very light you might be able to get it down a tiny bit!  But like you said, if this is your only case, I dunno if you'd wanna risk it!

Either way, good luck!  I've always wanted to dye a DMG, interested in seeing results!


If you're only going to sand lightly you might be able to get away with not sanding the area around the text.

Not sure how noticable it'd be. If you have the time/patience and money grab a spare case from ebay for cheap and try it out. (make sure the case doesn't have faded text though)