Looking to trade sammich kit unbuilt for synthesizer hardware. please bounce any offers of trade my way!
aaaand pressures of modern living force me onto the next item...
Looking to sell (sadly) my fairly recently acquired ultimate walkman tape recorder model Sony WM-D6c. £100 (gbp) (comewith leather case)
If you have any interest in recording to cassette tape, especially portably, this is the unit for you. The thing is often considered as one of the three top cassette devices ever made (some argue that the nakamichi dragon is preferable, but its not portable, likewise the sony wm dd6 is portable and may have even finer playback quality, but alas will not record and anyhow costs around £500 in a decent condition.)
Honestly, if you want to know just what cassette is capable of sounding like, this tank-like metal walkman and high quality metal tape inside will blow your mind.