
wasnt giving instructions on how the OP should kill himself, just the band. if they would have paid attention to things such as 'tone', 'composition', or 'marketing a product that doesnt insult my intelligence', they would have gotten a fair shot from me and i wouldnt have wished their band dead. projects like these are a dime a dozen. and im sorry, but im getting pretty fucking tired of 'the gimmick' after seeing several generations of chipmusic-referring to throwing whatever kind of videogame reference that comes to mind at the wall first to get people's attention and giving no substance with that and people taking note and acting like this common stuff is good. its not. if people think this is good, or if they think this is chipmusic, then i guess i went the wrong way with my own stuff and should have catered to the lowest common denominator if i wanted to be 'successful', ahahaha. thankfully for me, i made a decision a long time ago to see what i do through.

Boulder CO

You know I'm usually underwhelmed when only a few people from chipmusic reply to posts about my material, but after reading this... maybe I should be thankful! hahaha

This material wasn't my fav, but it was OK.  Mix is a little janky and I agree the chip could use some more articulation, but mostly I just don't like growl vocals at all, so maybe just forget my opinion...

I'm surprised Shawn hates it openly so much... he's always been such a supportive dude to me!

tempsoundsolutions wrote:

wasnt giving instructions on how the OP should kill himself, just the band. if they would have paid attention to things such as 'tone', 'composition', or 'marketing a product that doesnt insult my intelligence', they would have gotten a fair shot from me and i wouldnt have wished their band dead. projects like these are a dime a dozen. and im sorry, but im getting pretty fucking tired of 'the gimmick' after seeing several generations of chipmusic-referring to throwing whatever kind of videogame reference that comes to mind at the wall first to get people's attention and giving no substance with that and people taking note and acting like this common stuff is good. its not. if people think this is good, or if they think this is chipmusic, then i guess i went the wrong way with my own stuff and should have catered to the lowest common denominator if i wanted to be 'successful', ahahaha. thankfully for me, i made a decision a long time ago to see what i do through.

you know i have already explained my bands experience, i really dont know what else to say man, just carry on, no one is pointing a gun to your head and making you listen to our music and you have already established that you hate our music so much that you personally wish death for several ppl including myself,what else will you say?...anyways we will continue playing venues by request and getting paid to do so...keep posting your negativity here since you are entitled to do so, you know cuz some how we purposely insulted your intelligence and all...


i will carry on just fine. i never said i hated your music though. bad music is important too. it is my sincere hope that such a severe impression will inspire you to work harder. congratulations.

All Hail The Mustache wrote:
Jansaw wrote:

Hey cool! smile
Looking forward to hearing your music grow.

PS: don't worry about what people say. Just make music you love making.
I bet you'll find that as time goes on, the old are displaced by the new... whatever that may mean to you. Just keep it up and you'll find your spot wherever you want. If you don't like the reception, and don't have the patience for it, then maybe it isn't the place for you. It's just the nature of community. This community just requires a fair bit of learning and effort to be a part of, which (I think) can be a great thing.

But this is a really sweet start. I like it, personally. I'd look into trying to add more interesting programming to your lsdj stuff! Make it SOUND like you feel it should. There's SO many learning resources here to gain the knowledge.

pps... if rainbowdragoneyes is complementing you, you're on the right metal track, I bet;)

i hear you, i am doing research atm how how to create new instruments in LSDJ but its quite difficult for a beginner like myself, i have been trying to watch youtube tutorials....we are trying to add a lot more chiptune sounds but again we have to learn how to make them for now we just have the basic standard pulse sounds... and yeah i didnt know who 100 hand slaps and rainbowdragoneyes were till someone suggested them and both are incredible artists and enjoy their music quite a lot.

Hey man that's awesome! It takes a really long time to get good at lsdj, so don't worry about that:) You can have as much chipsound as you want in your music, I was mainly just giving my two cents/constructive criticism. Researching and trying out new things is all you can do at this stage! Make use of the search function, watch youtube tutorials, etc. Like most things, it takes a lot of practice, and it can be very confusing at first.

Good luck!