Boston, MA ---> London, UK

Hey all smile

I'm new on this site but having a lot of fun listening to work that's been published on here. I wanted to share my new and debut album called 'Bitcrushed Memories' under my alias The Unicorn Princess. Lots of composition, sound design, and DMG Gameboy fun that's been DSPed like crazy. Take a listen on my bandcamp, and follow my twitter & facebook if you enjoy smile … ?ref=br_tf

Cheers! x


Madison, WI

This is my second time running into your album now.  I think I saw your Tweet yesterday.

Good stuff.  What brought you to the UK?


Awesome work! Definitely should do some shows together at some point!

Boston, MA ---> London, UK

J3wel - Thank you again so much smile We definitely will! I'm so excited!!
noninfinite - Thanks a ton smile I'm not quite in the UK just yet - I'm trying to get a job there in a game studio, but I fell in love with the place when I visited last summer. My dad's side is British, but no citizenship here, unfortunately.