Hey peeps, I've finally finished one of my projects. Check it out! I hope people on here will find it useful!
http://gameboymodscouk.ipage.com/index. … tion_id=13
Let me know what you think!
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Hey peeps, I've finally finished one of my projects. Check it out! I hope people on here will find it useful!
http://gameboymodscouk.ipage.com/index. … tion_id=13
Let me know what you think!
At first I was like "lol" then I started playing with it. I like it and I hope to see additions like:
inverted screen
clear St+Sel
thats all for now.
This is awesome! Thanks for sharing!
I always wanted some graphical instrument to quickly test the color combination and you did it. Are you planning on adding more shells and screen frames? (as for buttons, backlights and power LEDs is think you covered pretty much all of them). On the other hand I presume you put only those colors available right now which makes perfect sense...
Last edited by friendofmegaman (Apr 30, 2014 1:24 am)
I would have done some aspects of this in slightly more complex ways. I would have done pre-loading of images, maybe intelligently based on which box you make a selection of first. You may want to give a choice between selecting the same type of D-pad and B/A buttons or different. One thing to consider is to put (for example) all the buttons in a single file, and then in the CSS, you adjust the position to reveal the selected button set. For something like the buttons that is a small amount of data per item, this makes fewer requests to the server and means that the all the options will be load in one go. If you want me to experiment with all of these suggestions for you, tell me.
Another thing, some of the D pad images are misaligned against the background. And another thing, most of the D pad images are lacking the background of the plastic piece, that is visible normally visible on the sides. Standard buttons has this but most of the other button types don't, The real ideal solution would be to let you view the D pad (on transparent cases) through the case, but that would be waaay overkill.
Sorry for making it sound like I'm slamming the page, but this is the kind of thing I notice.
needs a disco button where everything randomizes for a minute
Hi guys, I will be adding more screen covers as they become available. I will also be adding clear start and select and as new things become available add them too. Biverted and inverted screen type will be added also.
Essentially I never had a green, blue, white or clear play it loud to photograph at that time, that's why they're not there, I was also out of stock of clear white asm shells too lol.
I have had preloading images mentioned to me from 2 of my friends to the delay isn't as bad but I know what it is but have no clue how to put it on there. I understand it will improve the speed of transition. I'm not a web developer at all and have coded this in notepad lol.
In regards to the images, I had 32 DMGs to take photos of. I then dissected the photos into their constituent parts and this is what you get . With all the options I had at the time, there was over 250,000 combinations lol. So the reason the button change doesn't show through the case is simply that. I only cut the shape of the d pad because they were in different positions and it meant a clean edge to sit on the shell image. So yeah that's the best I could do in regards to that lol.
The reason I chose to keep the buttons as a set is because I only really sell them like that. I will often help someone out if I can but I don't want to be selling individual buttons all the time.
Overall thanks for the positive feedback! I know code wise it's not state-of-the-art but I'm quite happy with it for now. It gives me something to improve later on. Nitro if the offer is there on the coding side of things, I'd love a bit of help to improve it.
if you need a green pil to photograph, I don't mind sending you mine.
If you keep adding more bits and pieces to further the depth of customization, this is going to very quickly become a favourite go-to for a lot of people. I love it! : ]
My plan was just to get it up and work on it over time as I learn more about coding...
Thanks for the compliments.
This beats the hell out of my coloring book style method I usually use, with guessing of approximate colors.
needs a disco button where everything randomizes for a minute
That and you should be able to upload images for like a paint job....