
Hi there, I got an SP from a friend. The battery was dead so I bought a replacement. But I think it must be a poor battery as it doesnt last long. Can anyone recommend a reputable seller for an SP battery? Im in the UK

Alive and well in fucksville

i got screwed on a replacement too. might as well have flushed $7 down the toilet. seller's name was hurrytobuy on ebay. avoid that.


I have used a old DS battery for my sp as all you need to do is all you needed to do was to scrape some of the rubber from the back and Your done and it lasts longer. here is the cheapest one i could find on ebay … 1c413595d6
if that has gone just buy a fauly original DS smile


DSi battery mod. $3, 2,000 mAh. Much better efficiency. Easy mod. :-)


Thanks guys! this is excellent news! I will get a dsi battery. Im looking forward to the extended battery life!


np Happy to help smile