calmdownkidder wrote:Yo - listen, guys - I got out my house, got on a plane, went to 8static, and had a fucking blast hanging out with rad people and listening to rad music.
Do that.
herr_prof wrote:danimal cannon wrote:Thisssss
bumping/supporting this post a third time because IMO if you try to analyze "the online state" of any music/art scene it often times turns into an analysis of why people are upset looking at their internet devices all day. i don't think it's actually healthy to separate the "states" like that between real and the internet in that manner, tbh. i think physical events are needed because they allow yourself to step back, humble yourself, and appreciate the things that made you inspired by it in the first place. they allow you to stop finding the negatives or finding a way to criticize and also allow you to become motivated by the things that worked and and have worked instead of trying to solve a puzzle of how to make it work better in the future for the benefit of others or for even for yourself. on the internet it's very easy to do that, because you're observing information constantly and responding to it. it's difficult to just enjoy being immersed in something that's going on because "online" is just a collection of statements and responses to those statements. i think i'm getting unnecessarily heady here, lol
the chances for finding an event close to anybody is more of a reality now than years ago though, i definitely suggest checking some out if anyone has the time and means to do it 
edit: read through thread, I don't intend to be crass but I do also see how answering the OP with a different answer is just as frustrating and annoying so I apologize CS! but we did also talk about the topic of "Is the chip scene less supportive," and I think it's good to suggest going to a physical show as a better way to answer that large of a question. so personally I don't think a single person is trying to "be too cool for the internet" or anything like that at all by bringing up going to shows, but it's more of an extension of what 4mat said - the scene is way more physical than it was before because the outlets to express yourself outside of internet forums exist in a larger amount these days. many people didn't intentionally choose to be on forums outside of other options, forums and IRC were almost the only option then
Last edited by an0va (Oct 21, 2014 8:54 pm)