Hanging out w/ bleo, rhinoid, exileFaker and ovenrake at this siiiick show last month,
it came to my attention that lgptsav.dat is just an XML file. derp. this is why we should hang out and talk more.
So I figured how hard could it be to write a project merger so here it is.
Sticks all songrows, chains, patterns, instruments, tables and grooves from dat 2 into dat 1,
then outputs a 3rd dat for your tracking pleasure.
This is a windows exe using .NET 2.0. If this seems to work awesome enough
and people hate windows enough, maybe I'd rewrite in Java, but I'm really slow at Java.
No error handling, no instructions, just BANG IT
You will have to handle all the sample consolidation yourself and if each project
has a different sample with the same name, you're gonna have a bad time.
I saw something BitCruncher was saying about differences w/ project versions
in his python application but I have no idea wtf that is all about so hope this works.
thanks to bleo for the .ico
btw check out my new sangle