mesmer wrote:Anyone ever had this happen?

I used loca (amazon), and it looked great the first few days. After a week the crap on the bottom showed up. It is between the frontlight and the lcd. I couldn't clean it off the front or anything.
Yeah, that's what happens when there is too much pressure at a certain point (usually the bottom corners), in this case, along the bottom of the lcd.
Something is pushing too hard against that area.
Did you remove the foam off the back of the lcd?
Is there anything that you can identify that is there either right where that spot rests in front of or in back of the light panel/lcd?
I think it could be that the wires should go straight out to the sides, rather than resting on the ribbon cable, or that inside the shell case, the corners need to be trimmed down a little to alleviate some undue stress which is occurring.
Other than that, I would recommend removing the top 2 prongs on the metal shielding to also possibly help alleviate some pressure.
If those pressure marks don't go away in a few days, it will pretty much stay that way, unless you try prying the light panel off gently and reapplying the loca. (or use loca remover...that, I have NOT done)
I have pried one off successfully which had some stretch marks (weak, poor quality loca) then re-applied some top-notch stuff and it worked pretty darn well.
Last edited by Koji-Kendo (Oct 27, 2014 7:31 am)