You can make a noise hihat+kick if you make the attack of the kick really high and hihat-like in the first row of the table before the down sweep. I've done this with "snare+kick" too on a track I'm working on to kind of get an "unce qunce unce qunce" sound. It kind of works. lol. has an "LSDJ And You" series of articles written by thebitman and one of them includes a very nice noise kick patch with a clicky attack. Probably the "best" noise kick I've ever heard.
Like... think about it, you could write an entire song using just Tables, using TSP for different notes, effects commands and everything for different "instruments", etc.
You can create multiple instruments in a single table and smoosh them together at high speeds, as the others mentioned doing in the song patterns with Dxx commands. If you really need hihats going on every beat over top of all the other drums put your favorite hihat shape in the first row of your snare and kick tables, then etc etc... Personally I enjoy the limitation of having only one drum at a time playing in the noise channel, as it presents a challenge for creating interesting rhythms.
A noise kick is never going to blow out your subwoofer. I don't think. So keep that in mind.
Edit: Sorry i have no patches to share... >.< I don't memorize these things, lol. Every new creation is an experiment from scratch and trying to half-remember what i did in previous projects 
Last edited by SketchMan3 (Dec 3, 2014 12:50 am)