not actually a chiptune so don't wanna to upload it here and contaminate the data-base, hahaha,
but I acquired lately a Raspberry Pi and this is my very first song made on it.
The song has been made entirely on Raspberry Pi 2. Also, it has been recorded directly from the machine.
22 channels have been used.
Generally, the R_Pi's sound is being generated by the Broadcom BCM2835 chip (for model '1' of the R_Pi) and by Broadcom BCM2836 chip (in model '2' of the R_Pi) - and in my case it's the BCM2836 chip - so it's resolved somewhat like in ZX Spectrum: the sound is being generated by CPU.
It works with 11 bit quality. It's not an actual DAC, it is a digital PWM module (gives a 'pulse width modulated' signal) working with frequency around 40MHz and it is low-pass-filtered.
The funny thing is, I also rendered the song directly into harddisk and compared it to the version recorded from real R_Pi: and I deleted the rendered file to hell, haha. The original Pi sound is warm'n'soft; doesn't remind thousands of razors.
Last edited by YERZMYEY (Mar 14, 2015 2:59 pm)