Hi there! Let's just state that I'm no Amiga wiz, actually not a wiz at all when it comes to vintage computers. I own a Amiga 500 machine with no upgraded memory and I want to run AHX tracker on it. Possible?
If so, in combination of me being lazy and actual lack of people selling amiga stuff here in sweden.
I'd like to request someone to create a disk for me, of which I will pay for of course.
I have no OS disk either... workbench it's called? Or kickstart whatever.
I would appreciate it aswell.
Edit: After reading up a bit I found out that AHX only runs on amiga machines with harddrives, of which the A500 does not have. But according to this: http://hivelytracker.com/forum.php?acti … amp;id=146 it is possible to do.
My email: Jdfirefly@hotmail.com
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by Jdfirefly (May 16, 2010 9:07 pm)