I've got some of these coming in the mails, ordered after checking out the PDF datasheet (pretty well described). The only data really missing from the datasheet is a decent circuit. Generally there's a good example or two that proves useful (princeton's pt2399 datasheet example is pretty much what every delay pedal and module uses), but in this case its not too helpful with external boxes for 'clock generation' etc
My goal is to create a standalone unit, hopefully without employing a LCD screen--but if so, it needs to be simple -something I can do via easy vector touch screen implementation. Ideally, it'd be simpler-with some potentiometers and a resistance-determined frequency so I can use potetiometers, soft pot, or a resistor-based keyboard with a couple octaves (16 keys max). IF I can get that done, I can adapt a version for modular synthesizers in whatever format (eurorack, etc) and do a desktop type box without the keyboard and with a MIDI or CV out.
I've been unable to find much online-just a few people who seem to have made a prototype of the black box midi type units either run from an emulator or people who have straight emulated on the PC or mac. There appears to have been an European maker called Saratronics who made a Kit and/or PCB at one point and i would LOVE-and I mean DEARLY love, to have the schematic or an example--but they appear to be out of business. There's a reference to its release on Matrixsynth, but none available anywhere (even ebay andother used sellers)-and their web site is down.
With so much out there on the Pokey, SN74xx-range, and things like Spritesmind YM project..youd think there'd be a lot, but I cannot find it. Does anyone have any info?
Even a pic of one of the saratronics up close or without the components in would be really helpful.
thank you for your time even if not-I do appreciate it, sincerely