Yep, another one! Completely unrelated (source code wise) to furrtek's. I'm exploring new ground when it comes to the Gameboy hardware!
Sound samples to get you hyped: … ng-303-ish
Planned features in the final version: (subject to change as the development moves along:
3 octaves (Bottom note; C2, or ~32 Hz. Top note: C5, or ~262 Hz.)
Sawtooth and squarewave oscillators.
Tunable resonant filter.
Glide and accent controls.
Bult-in sequencer, external sync and MIDI control. Possibly other control methods.
As dirty and glitchy as it gets.
Not compatible with emulators - hardware only.
Barely in tune.
But fun to use.
If you are interested in beta testing it when it reaches beta, let me know.