catskull wrote:Wow, great work!
Another idea would be to simply solder the arduino into the board without the headers, I'm sure you've thought of that though.
Yep, the problem then is that the USB ports are too low to be accessed through the opening for the cartridge slot in the case - need to find a good middle ground! 
Do you have more details of the actual functionality of this board? Why are two arduinos needed? How is it powered during operation?
Basically, the Arduino Micro is running modified Arduboy sketches, and the Arduino Nano is acting as an LCD controller for the GameBoy display. At the moment, the Arduinos are powered through their USB ports.
I go into a lot more detail in the thread on the Arduboy community:
How hard would it be to power the unit off the 4 AA's the gameboy uses? And while you're at it, why not include an on/off switch where the original one went?
Wouldn't be hard at all, and I have found a supplier for a switch that fits. At this stage I am just happy to have a board with all of the connections fixed in place, and be able to move away from the breadboard and the worry of the rats nest of wires I was using coming loose!
Eventually, all of the components from the two Arduinos could be migrated over and everything included on the one board - just means more work and time and money!