How's it going everyone. Haven't posted in a while. I moved to Taiwan and have been living here for a year now.
I currently have a big screen TV with A/V inputs as well as a few other connections. I hooked up my NES and Super Famicom and they work, it's just that the screen resolution isn't great. Everything is pretty muddled. I'm not expecting anything stellar because it isn't a CRT. I currently don't have any space for a CRT at the moment, and I'm trying to find a better solution to my resolution issue.
I'm went through a ton of scenarios of what I could do, from RGB mods to getting a Framemeister.
I've come to the conclusion that getting a Retron 5 would be a good, one stop solution to play my NES/Famicom/Super Famicom/SNES carts instead of doing individual mods to each console for better video output.
Long story short, I wanted to know if LSDj will work via a Super Gameboy in the Retron 5. I will prosound mod the SGB.
Last edited by katsumbhong (Aug 31, 2015 5:46 pm)