Official chip music booth at Maker Faire 2010- May 22 & 23
The idea is to setup a booth to showcase music, hacks/hardware, and culture of the chip music scene.
We'll be making free information booklets to pass out, small pa & instruments, banner, and possibly more things to come.
I'm trying to gather as much hardware to showcase as possible...
So far we have the following:
- Amiga a600 *
- Atari STE *
- C64
- NES with powerpak *
- Piggy tracker on various handhelds
- Gameboy / Arduinoboy / LSDJ / Nanoloop / etc
(* = pending trade - also need a USA power supply for the Amiga 600- will a a500 psu brick work?)
We are open to suggestions for more hardware (I think we need something opl3) If you have spare hardware you think should be there I'd be willing to pay shipping and treat it with care... Also if you are in the neighborhood and would like to help us run the booth please email me:
All the supplies / banner / printing etc will be paid out of pocket so if you want to donate anything please contact me privately.
We will not be selling anything there- this will be for information and educational purposes only. It might be nice to carry cards / fliers for various chip music labels- So please spread the word out to those that might be interested... The more we have there, the better.
If you're planning on attending be sure to check us out and say hello!
More details to follow...