Please Lose Battle's new album OUT NOW!
(`・ω・´)Chip x Pop = Unprecedented Joy (´∀`)
This is the first release that features their full live set up of chip, bass, and drums. Track 2 has a guest vocal appearance from Japanese chiptuner Bun!
Trying something new with this release. A direct download is available on the Cheapbeats homepage.
Direct download ($4)
- Digital ($6)
- ULTRA rare shirts (SOLD OUT)
- Shirt and CD bundle ($35 inc. shipping)
- Digital download ($25 inc. shipping)
1. Goodbye Joy
2. Panic Crash
3. Swamp Waltz
4. Hit and Run
5. Sunday Chill In Cosmos
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Last edited by cheapshot (Mar 2, 2016 1:25 am)