Hey guys. Got a fresh modded DMG from my man Justin at Thursday Customs. I'm finally ready to tinker with 2xLSDJ. So now I have a question; would this be an ideal mixer/usb interface for recording:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B005EHILV … ref=plSrch
For whatever reason, I really don't like 1/8 or 1/4 jacks, I prefer RCA so as such both of my DMGs are RCA prosounded. I read thru some searches before posting here and learned that it is a massive no-no to use Y-splitters and the like. I'm glad I looked because I was honestly thinking of getting an RCA splitter to feed into the recording interface I use now which is the Behringer UCA222.
I'm venturing into territory I don't know here, but I assume the mixer I linked to above is what I would need because it has two sets of RCA inputs, and because it is USB connectable, I assume (if you guys think it will do the job) that I then record directly from this right? It would become my sound interface thus replacing the UCA222 right?
Thank you folks.