ant1 wrote a tcl script that tunes impulse tracker instruments to whatever sort of microtonal scale you want
you can't find it anywhere
here is a song i made with it … acker-song is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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ant1 wrote a tcl script that tunes impulse tracker instruments to whatever sort of microtonal scale you want
you can't find it anywhere
here is a song i made with it … acker-song
in all seriousness, my suggestion for improvement is not to write music that strictly adheres to the natural minor mode
you also seem to be ignoring the important distinction between keys, scales, and modes, which is a distinction that has been brought up countful times by posters in this thread and the previous
i figured that the purpose of the thread was inquiry (and point scoring) but if the purpose is now to dish out bad advice instead then there's no point in hanging around. there's no ivory tower here; people who have spent a lot of time studying and exercising this stuff are trying to share some of that experience with others who want to learn
my last words are to reiterate that theory isn't a set of rules that will make your music sound good if you follow them; it's a vocabulary for communicating musical concepts. write music however you like!
[edited for grammar]
Last edited by jangler (Apr 26, 2016 8:05 pm)
If anyone can find any mistakes or suggest any improvements please let me know.
- "Capital" roman numerals are for major chords in the classical system.
- "Lowercase" roman numerals are for minor chords, though in jazz analysis ii7 and II-7 are equivalent.
- Suspended chords are not used like the others and don't belong on that chart.
- This system is fine for beginners, but ensures that after a point, your music will sound weak and square.
- You don't need to worry about your music being ripped off by anyone.
- Try bringing this subject up after you've had 2-3 more years of study.
- Ignore the advice you've been given at your own peril.
- "Capital" roman numerals are for major chords in the classical system.
- "Lowercase" roman numerals are for minor chords, though in jazz analysis ii7 and II-7 are equivalent.
No. The roman numerals in this example are describing scale degrees.
Please check this link. It provides proof that I got this part correct at least.
- Suspended chords are not used like the others and don't belong on that chart.
It is plain to see that this is bullshit.
C natural minor (Aeolian) - C, D, D#, F, G, G#, A#
Csus4 = C, F, G
D#sus4 = D#, G#, A#
Fsus4 = C, F, A#
Gsus4 = C, D, G
A#sus4 = D#, F, A#
All of the notes in these suspended 4th chords are contained within the scale 'C natural minor' .
As a key signature describes a scale all the chords in this example were in the key of C natural minor.
It is only one example. No one is saying that you must only use C minor. Of course you could transpose all this to change key.
Last edited by JaffaCakeMexica (Apr 26, 2016 9:21 pm)
why not listen to all the people who went to music university who all agree on this one thing instead of constantly misinterpreting wikipedia to try to prove that you are right
you have nothing to lose by admitting you have something to learn here
your constant insistence that you know more than anyone else just blinkers you to learning anything from anyone except for whatever you can find in your wikipedia scramble to prove how clever you are
honestly no one here wants to score any points over you, everyone just wants to help you learn, but you aren't really interested in it
So you are categorically stating that roman numerals are, in fact, never used to describe scale degrees?
Why don't you go to the link I gave you above and find out once and for all that you are wrong?
why is it that when anyone asks you a question in good faith or tells you something you immediately deflect it and tell the person asking that they're wrong?
we're just trying to help but you're acting like a brat about it
I'm honestly surprised you haven't been banned yet considering your shitty attitude toward everyone here
Last edited by spacetownsavior (Apr 26, 2016 9:31 pm)
why is it that when anyone asks you a question in good faith or tells you something you immediately deflect it and tell the person asking that they're wrong?
we're just trying to help but you're acting like a brat about it
I'm honestly surprised you haven't been banned yet considering your shitty attitude toward everyone here
On the contrary, I have explained all my workings in great detail and it is you who is incapable of admitting that you are wrong.
Whenever you are backed into a corner by logical arguments and references you deflect by saying yes, but I'm at a music university or perhaps that wasn't wrong, it was jazzy.
Last edited by JaffaCakeMexica (Apr 26, 2016 9:48 pm)
I'm honestly surprised you haven't been banned yet considering your shitty attitude toward everyone here
that's still a possibility in the future should he continue making personal attacks, gay jokes, etc...
keep things civil please
- You don't need to worry about your music being ripped off by anyone.
Record of chiptune thefts:
yeah, but what he's saying is that even while it has happened, the majority of the stolen tracks have been written by a very small percentage of the scene....odds of you finding yourself a victim of chip theft is somewhere in the neighborhood of the odds of dying in a car accident...and you don't see most people avoiding cars and buses as a result
spacetownsavior wrote:why is it that when anyone asks you a question in good faith or tells you something you immediately deflect it and tell the person asking that they're wrong?
we're just trying to help but you're acting like a brat about it
I'm honestly surprised you haven't been banned yet considering your shitty attitude toward everyone here
On the contrary, I have explained all my workings in great detail and it is you who is incapable of admitting that you are wrong.
Whenever you are backed into a corner by logical arguments and references you deflect by saying yes, but I'm at a music university or perhaps that wasn't wrong, it was jazzy. … ger_effect
I seriously give up; I can't accept Chunter's award.
You've let me down, you've let your mother down, you've let the whole team down.
chunter wrote:- You don't need to worry about your music being ripped off by anyone.
Record of chiptune thefts:
therefore, never release music, right?
come on, man. those articles were about incidents that happened in 2007 and 2008. that's pretty close to a DECADE ago.
please consider that the chipscene is not only really good at identifying and calling out stolen works -- we'd even help YOU bring the perpetrators to reasonable justice (provided you have reasonable proof that you were the original artist) because as hobbyists we get that you should get proper recognition and recompensation. EVEN if your music is apparently so goddamned good, that it's actually too amazing to share with the rest of us and warrants your need to antagonize each and every person whose methods and techniques differ from your own.
but we can't defend you if we don't even know what your music is. in other words, if you share some of your music with us, any of the following things can happen:
a) it will get stolen because it's so good, but we'd defend you because your posting it here is proof that you made it
b) it won't get stolen, because maybe it's not good enough to warrant being stolen, which is fine anyway because we can provide some feedback insights that might help you further refine your musical output, in the spirit of encouragement and edification
c) it won't get stolen, because come on dude, it seriously won't.
regardless of how unassailable one's techniques are, and regardless of how good or bad one's music is - if it's not being shared with the world, or is being used as a weapon to put others down, then THAT'S the real shame -- not the music itself.
Last edited by bryface (Apr 26, 2016 10:44 pm)
Bravo on the trolling btw, and I say that without any sarcasm
(pianists are pseudo-gei because 'pianist' sounds like p-nis)
dang I didn't even notice this one until now
n00bstar wrote:Not this again.
Hey, this is a good OP humbly asking for help, and that could possibly gather useful information that might just help someone who is confused about this topic. No need to defecate over it.
With the benefit of four pages of hindsight on this thread, please tell me again about this "good OP humbly asking".
Honestly, I'm only still reading this out of the faint hope that he posts a link to one of his tracks so that I can throw a trap beat on top of it and flip it on youtube.
Huge respect to Protodome/Chunter/FoD/jangler et. al. for having the patience of saints while trying to instill some knowledge into a brick wall.