something I did a few days ago on the PO-12 & PO-20 … 6435152752
oops, double post
Last edited by Volt 44 (Aug 26, 2016 5:39 pm)
just realized neither of the two most recent videos i made for other artists aren't in this thread
there's some nanoloop in this one
this one the chip aspects of the track are more obvious
Bumping this thread, I was looking for this.
Here are a few of older ones of mine that never really got posted anywhere:
Sunny Day (C64 & LSDJ w/ MIDIOUT to 3 Volcas)
Just posted this video to promote my new album by playing the full thing on a NES I modded to be a record player. It's not the best quality player but it does the job!
Check out the Kickstarter for the album here. The main reason for the campaign is to press the album to vinyl but digital downloads are also included in rewards!
One of the several things I feature on my YouTube Channel is chiptune music. Watch a samurai character progress through a fantasy-like video game level through a slide-show of artwork. If you like stories, then this channel is for you!
Last edited by Tobey Truestory (Jul 21, 2019 2:57 pm)
Goto80 Computer country, feat Bud Melvin.
I worked on it.
Last edited by jambonbill (Aug 2, 2019 2:24 am)
jambonbill, that put a big smile on my face. Thanks for sharing!
Love it jambonbill. Did you make the whole rig yourself?
my father did all the hard work i only record/edit the video
From Argentina, a new serie of the local scene artists. CC for english subs
EPISODE 1: Toni Leys is an accomplished chiptune artist from Argentina. In this interview he tells us about his journey as a musician. How he fell in love with Sega Genesis' music and how he got to make a living doing music for videogames.
EPISODE 2: Uctumi is playing with his Commodore 64 since the beginnings of the internet. Behind his humble look, his music is diverse, full of style, personality and creativity.
[CC] for English Subtitles
EPISODE 3: Kry.exe
Kry.exe tells us about the beginnings of chiptune, as well as his own beginnings as a musician and where his music is going. He also shares with us his knowledge about demoscene and chiptune fests.
[CC] for English Subtitles