In this video, Dave is asked what is preinstalled on PocketC.H.I.P. to make it fun "right out of he box" and he says Sunvox... Check it out:
(Skip to about 3.23 to hear about sunvox being installed...)
Last edited by RJL (May 29, 2016 10:45 pm) is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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In this video, Dave is asked what is preinstalled on PocketC.H.I.P. to make it fun "right out of he box" and he says Sunvox... Check it out:
(Skip to about 3.23 to hear about sunvox being installed...)
Last edited by RJL (May 29, 2016 10:45 pm)
He must have slipped it. I mean, they didnt say it in any other place
anyways, ill be installing it
edit: i cant grasp hwo beauty the fucking thing is. I want mine already!
re-edit: yeah, he says it comes preinstalled. I wonder why they didnt announce it
Last edited by SuperBustySamuraiMonkey (May 29, 2016 10:58 pm)
I'm just speculating here, but I'm thinking at the last minute they decided to preinstall more fun stuff to make it more marketable and usable straight out of the box, but idk
It could be ! however what i really want is MINE IN MY HANDS. jhahaha
It looks cool but tbh I'd rather go with something a bit more fleshed out like Goat tracker.
I dont have experience with the pocket chip, but I have played with a regular chip computer and they're doing an absolutely fantastic job with it. Getting the VM set up to interface with it was a little tricky, but once it's ready to go the thing just works. Completely opposite my experience with a raspberry pi. Plus it's all open source, i think the chip is the answer to a next gen arduino.
I just preordered the pocket chip. I suggest you do the same!
It looks cool but tbh I'd rather go with something a bit more fleshed out like Goat tracker.
There are Linux versions of GoatTracker and Little GP Tracker. Would be really cool to use them on the Pocket Chip.
Pocket Chip runs Linux ... so it should work! Not sure if any adaptations are necessary, or if it works out of the box though.
nanode wrote:It looks cool but tbh I'd rather go with something a bit more fleshed out like Goat tracker.
There are Linux versions of GoatTracker and Little GP Tracker. Would be really cool to use them on the Pocket Chip.
Pocket Chip runs Linux ... so it should work! Not sure if any adaptations are necessary, or if it works out of the box though.
Well shit
maxymizer with hatari...
sidwizard with vice
adlib tracker II
they should all work.
im pretty sure fasttracker was ported to linux too, back in the day
VERY small demo
Oh, this thing has touch screen? How did i miss that?
Much interested now.
I found this to be a good read while I wait for my PocketC.H.I.P to arrive from Hong Kong! It's like a PocketC.H.I.P user guide, lots of good info here: … ketc-h-i-p
Also, there may or may not be a Virtual Boy emulator available for PocketC.H.I.P.!!! ...designed to be used with the "pockulus C.H.I.P." eyepiece that you can 3d print. Homebrew games, too! I'm unclear on if they are still working on all this or not, but if you are interested you can find some more info here:
I found this to be a good read while I wait for my PocketC.H.I.P to arrive from Hong Kong! It's like a PocketC.H.I.P user guide, lots of good info here: … ketc-h-i-p
Also, there may or may not be a Virtual Boy emulator available for PocketC.H.I.P.!!! ...designed to be used with the "pockulus C.H.I.P." eyepiece that you can 3d print. Homebrew games, too! I'm unclear on if they are still working on all this or not, but if you are interested you can find some more info here:
Edit: Crap, double post :[
Last edited by RJL (Jun 4, 2016 1:47 am)
Want badly. Shame the initial release of pocket chip won't allow you to pull out the chip and immediately use it standalone, but I can live with that.