It's on hold while I finish up a few other projects. I'm happy to pass what I've done on to you. PM me?
Unfortunately Ben never got around sending me what he has so far...
this would save me so much time. patiently waiting :3
this would save me so much time. patiently waiting :3
Sorry guys! Super busy. Here is what I have on my work PC
Known Routines:
$097D - "Delay_1" This is a delay routine, value passed via BC
$03AD - "LCD_Turn_Off" No variables passed
$0462 - "Zero_RAM" Start location passed in HL, number of bytes to zero in BC
$03E2 - "DMA_Routine_2_HRAM" , No Variables, moves a 10 byte program into HRAM, the DMA routine.
$092A - "Init_OAM_Buffer" ;Sets the OAM buffer ($D400) to 0xF0
$0914 - "Clear_Tile_Map0" ;sets $9800-9BFF to $FF
$091F - "Clear_Tile_Map1" ;sets $9C00-9FFF to $FF
$2B25 - "Init_Snd" ;Turns sound registers on, volume, channels, clears DD00-DF00
$1DEC -
$1DE0 - "Delay_2" , No variables Passed.
Known Memory Locations:
$FF9B - Current Memory Bank selected
$D400 - D49F - DMA Start address (Buffer?)
$DD00-DF00 - Suspected Sound buffers?
$0101: Jp Main
Ld sp, $FFFE ;Initialise Stack
Di ;disable interrupts
Xor a ;clear a
Ldh [$FF0F], a ;Dissable all IRQ’s
Ldh a,[$FF40] ;Get LCDC
Bit 7,a ;Test bit 7 – Display Enabled?
Jr zn, LCD_Enabled ;Conditional Jump ()
Set 7,a ;set bit 7
Ldh [$FF40],a ;Store LCDC
Ld bc, $0002 ;pass $0002 to Function $097D
Call Delay_1 ;Jazz, Please watch this in the emulator to find the delay length?
;Best guess is the delay is necessary to initialise the cart MCU
Ldh a,[FF44] ;Waiting for a V-Blank…
Cp a,$91
Jr c,VblankWait
Ld a,$80
Ldh [$FF40],a ;Enable LCD – Did I make a mistake with the above routines? Jazz?
Xor a ;Clear A
Ldh [$FF47],a ;Clear Pallete Data
Ldh [$FF48],a ;Clear Pallete Data
Ldh [$FF49],a ;Clear Pallete Data
Ld bc, $0002 ;pass $0002 to Function $097D
Call Delay_1 ;Jazz, Please watch this in the emulator to find the delay length?
Call Turn_LCD_Off
ld hl,$C000 ;Load HL with Work RAM location
ld BC,$1FFF ;Load BC with 1FFF
Call Zero_RAM ;Zero BC number of bytes, from location HL
ld a,$00 ;Why do they zero A this way, and not XOR A like other routines???
ld [$0000],a ;Disable Cartridge Save RAM
ld a,$01 ;
ld [$2000],a ;Set ROM bank 1
ld a,$00
ld [$4000],a ;Set Ram bank 0
ld a,$01
ldh [$FF9B],a ;Store 1 into FF9B - Perhaps a buffer to keep track of bank numbers?
ld sp,$DFFF ;Move stack pointer to $DFFF
ld hl,$FF80 ;Load $FF80 into HL
ld bc,$007E ;Load $007E into BC
Call Zero_RAM ;Clear the HRAM
Call DMA_Routine_2_HRAM ;move the DMA routine to HRAM
Call Init_OAM_Buffer ;Sets the OAM buffer ($D400) to 0xF0
Call Clear_Tile_Map0
Call Clear_Tile_Map1
xor a ;Clear A
ld [$D520],a ;Zero all these important registers...
ld [$D521],a
ld [$D522],a
ldh [$FFC5],a
ldh [$FFC6],a
ldh [$FFD0],a
ldh [$FFD4],a
ld [$DC41],a
ld [$D523],a
ldh [$FFC4],a
ld hl,$FFAB
xor a
ldi [hl],a ;Zero from FFAB - FFB2
ldi [hl],a
ldi [hl],a
ldi [hl],a
ldi [hl],a
ldi [hl],a
ldi [hl],a
ldi [hl],a
ld a,$8F
ldi [hl],a ;$8F into FFB3
ld a,$A6
ldi [hl], ;$A6 into FFB4
Call Init_Snd ;
Call $1DEC ;
ld a,$0B
ld hl,$4010
call $1D95
call Delay_2
ldh a,[$FF00]
and a,$03
cp a,$03
jr nz,$1E3A
ld a,$20
ldh [$FF00],a
ldh a,[$FF00]
ldh a,[$FF00]
ld a,$30
ldh [$FF00],a
ld a,$10
ldh [$FF00],a
ldh a,[$FF00]
ldh a,[$FF00]
ldh a,[$FF00]
ldh a,[$FF00]
ldh a,[$FF00]
ldh a,[$FF00]
ld a,$30
ldh [$FF00],a
ldh a,[$FF00]
ldh a,[$FF00]
ldh a,[$FF00]
ldh a,[$FF00]
and a,$03
cp a,$03
jr nz,$1E3A
ld a,$0B
ld hl,$4000
call $1D95
call $1DE0
and a
ld a,$0B
ld hl,$4000
call $1D95
call Delay_2
$1D95: ;Variables passed, A and HL
ldh [$FF9D],a ;put variable A into FF9D - Temp bank buffer 2?
ldh a,[BankBuffer] ;Get current bank
push af ;Store it on the stack
ldh a,[$FF9D] ;Get that variable buffer
ldh [BankBuffer],a ;Update the current bank register
ld [$2000],a ;Set the bank
ld a,[hl] ;Load first byte of passed variable HL
and a,$07 ;cmp with $07
jr z,Label1 ;if something, then end routine.....
ld b,a ;otherwise, multiply it by 0xFF, and put it in BC
ld c,$00
push bc ;push BC onto the stack
ld a,$00
ld [$ff00+c],a ;Clear keypad latch
ld a,$30
ld [$ff00+c],a ;Set P14+15 high
ld b,$10 ;load B with $10
Label4: ld e,$08 ;Load E with $08
ldi a,[hl]
ld d,a
Label3: bit 0,d
ld a,$10
jr nz,Label2
ld a,$20
Label2: ld [$ff00+c],a
ld a,$30
ld [$ff00+c],a
rr d
dec e
jr nz,Label3
dec b
jr nz,Label4
ld a,$20
ld [$ff00+c],a
ld a,$30
ld [$ff00+c],a
pop bc
dec b
jr z,Label1
call Delay_2
jr $1DA9
Label1: pop af
ldh [BankBuffer],a
ld [$2000],a
ld de,$1B58
.Loop nop
dec de
ld a,d
or e
jr nz,.Loop
Init_Snd: ;Set bank 1F, execute code at $7FF6, Restore previous bank.
ldh a,[$FF9B] ;Store the current ROM bank
push af
ld a,$1F ;Change to ROM Bank 1F
ldh [$FF9B],a ;Update the bank buffer
ld [$2000],a ;Switch bank 1F
call $7FF6 ;Turn on Sound registers, Zero DD00-DF00 - Sound buffers???
pop af ;Restore the current rom bank
ldh [$FF9B],a ;
d [$2000],a ;Set the current rom bank.
1F:7FF6 > jumps to :5343
ld a,$80
ldh [$FF26],a ;Enable all sound channels
ld a,$77
ldh [$FF24],a ;Max volume
ld a,$FF
ldh [$FF25],a ;Sound output to all terminals
ld hl,$DD00
.Loop ld [hl],$00 ;Zero DD00-DF00
inc l
jr nz,.Loop
inc h
ld a,h
cp a,$DF
jr nz,.Loop
ld a,$FF
ld hl,$9800
ldi [hl],a
bit 2,h
jr z,$0919
ld a,$FF
ld hl,$9C00
ldi [hl],a
bit 5,h
jr z,$0924
Init_OAM_Buffer: ;Set OAM buffer to 0xF0, all of it.
ld hl,$D400
ld b,$A0
ld a,$F0
ldi [hl],a
dec b
jr nz,$0931
xor a
ldh [$FF9A],a
DMA_Routine_2_HRAM: ;Move the DMA transfer routine into HRAM
ld c,$80
ld b,$0A
ld hl,DMA_Routine
ldi a,[hl] ;
ld [$ff00+c],a
inc c
dec b
jr nz,$03E9
DMA_Routine: ;This routine is placed into HRAM via DMA_Routine_2_HRAM
ld a,$D4 ;Start address = $D400, Destination is FE00
ldh [$FF46],a
ld a,$28
dec a
jr nz,$03F6
xor a
ldi [hl],a
dec bc
ld a,c
or b
jr nz,$0462
Ldh a,[$FF40] ; get LCDC
Bit 7,a ;Disabled?
Ret z ;return with zero flag carried
Ldh a,[$FFFF] ;Get Interrupt Status
Push AF ;push it to the stack
And A,$FC ;Clear bits 0+1 – Vblank int, and LCD Stat int.
Ldh [$FFFF],A ;Update the interrupt status
Ld a,[FF44]
Cp a,$91
Jr nz, .Wait4V
Ldh a,[$FFAB] ;FFAB is a buffer register of LCDC
Res 7,a
ldh [$FF40],a ;store in LCDC
ldh [$FFAB],a ;Update LCDC buffer register
pop af
ldh [$FFFF],a ;restore the Interupt register
Delay_1 : ;Data passed in via Register BC
Ld de,$06D6 ;Delay loop pre-set
Dec de ;
Ld a,d ;
Or e ;
Jr nz, Delay_Inner_Loop: ;Loop $06D6 times
Dec BC
Ld a,b
Or c
Jr nz, Delay_1: ;Loop the above loop, BC times.
There is more on my home PC