since this is currently bumped up, I do have an FB-01 for sale in the trading post. It won't work with my hardware unless I go pretty far out of my way to get a midi filter (from beatstep pro, too much midi data) and it just doesn't seem practical for me to keep it with no use for it
about the QT4 app, I managed to compile it on Linux (Mint), you don't need the complete sdk, just "apt-get install qt4-dev-tools" and it should be enough. About the makefile, it complained about a missing X11 lib during the linker part. So I just type "g++ -Wl,-O1 -o FB01v2 editeur.o set.o midi.o block.o voice.o operateur.o instrument.o bank.o config.o edit.o bank_voice.o automation.o periph.o qoperateur.o qbutton.o qclavier.o qvoice.o qinstrument.o qenveloppe.o qbank.o mainwindow.o qautomation.o qconfig.o memory_ex.o midi_ex.o ex.o automation_ex.o moc_qoperateur.o moc_qbutton.o moc_qclavier.o moc_qvoice.o moc_qinstrument.o moc_qenveloppe.o moc_mainwindow.o moc_qbank.o moc_qautomation.o moc_qconfig.o qrc_FB01.o -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lasound -lQtGui -lQtCore -lpthread -lX11" (the command with -lX11) and it worked. I don't have a FB01 though and it's less cheap than it used to be in the past it seems (at least 70-80 €)
cheers dude, I was having a hard time with that! now there are some options...
hope Aly James is still producing one..
oll@oll-Compaq-Presario-CQ70-Notebook-PC:~/Desktop/FB01SEv2.11src$ make all
qmake-qt4 -spec linux-g++ -r -o Makefile.Release
make -f Makefile.Release
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/oll/Desktop/FB01SEv2.11src'
g++ -c -pipe -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DLINUX -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED -I/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++ -I. -I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I/usr/include/qt4 -I. -I. -o editeur.o editeur.cpp
make[1]: g++: Command not found
make[1]: *** [editeur.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/oll/Desktop/FB01SEv2.11src'
make: *** [release] Error 2
oll@oll-Compaq-Presario-CQ70-Notebook-PC:~/Desktop/FB01SEv2.11src$ sudo make install
[sudo] password for oll:
make: *** No rule to make target `FB01v2', needed by `install'. Stop.
oll@oll-Compaq-Presario-CQ70-Notebook-PC:~/Desktop/FB01SEv2.11src$ sudo make install
make: *** No rule to make target `FB01v2', needed by `install'. Stop.
oll@oll-Compaq-Presario-CQ70-Notebook-PC:~/Desktop/FB01SEv2.11src$ ^C
Any idea whats happening here? No rule to make target FB01 editor needed by install? ?!
Just following the bundled install instructions (make all > then sudo make install, in source folder terminal)
01-editor/ Here you will find what i've been waiting for , for 3 yrs!!!! hope it helps out!! ]
Necrobump! Dug out the FB01 again. Trying to get it working with my Arturia KeyStep. Anyone have any luck with BSP or KeyStep and either of the editor programs? ColinRobot's version does literally nothing after i select the midi output and press power. The SourceForge one in the OP says "No MIDI data Received" when I try to set the MIDI In. Everything is hooked up correctly, MIDI channels are on 1, protect is Off. Tried on a Windows 10 laptop and Win7 desktop, with and without an external PSU. Any help?
Necrobump! Dug out the FB01 again. Trying to get it working with my Arturia KeyStep. Anyone have any luck with BSP or KeyStep and either of the editor programs? ColinRobot's version does literally nothing after i select the midi output and press power. The SourceForge one in the OP says "No MIDI data Received" when I try to set the MIDI In. Everything is hooked up correctly, MIDI channels are on 1, protect is Off. Tried on a Windows 10 laptop and Win7 desktop, with and without an external PSU. Any help?
Yep same happened to me error message and part of GUI missing ... Think the guy who made it MIDIERROR has said you can only buy it now . Its out of beta but I can't seem to get hold of him. Only 5 people out of 200 got back to him so he gave up on the free download. "Sound Quest Midi Quest" is the other alternative where you can use to write and upload patches. As yet i've not had time to try it out but will be very soon as i've just bought a Korg SQ-1 and it works really well with it so next thing is to write some patches.
Necrobump! Dug out the FB01 again. Trying to get it working with my Arturia KeyStep. Anyone have any luck with BSP or KeyStep and either of the editor programs? ColinRobot's version does literally nothing after i select the midi output and press power. The SourceForge one in the OP says "No MIDI data Received" when I try to set the MIDI In. Everything is hooked up correctly, MIDI channels are on 1, protect is Off. Tried on a Windows 10 laptop and Win7 desktop, with and without an external PSU. Any help?
PS Not mine but Midierror....
I was looking for the midierrors editor for the fb-01. I saw they were not giving it out anymore because of lack of feedback but it looks incredible and easy to use.
I was looking for the midierrors editor for the fb-01. I saw they were not giving it out anymore because of lack of feedback but it looks incredible and easy to use.
I've got midierrors beta if anyone needs it
I would love to try this out if it is still available~!
Domu wrote:I've got midierrors beta if anyone needs it
I would love to try this out if it is still available~!
count me in as well.
it's probably just my lack of understanding or hardware setup, but existing fb-01 editors seem to be a bit finicky with banks and patches. looking back at the thread it seems i'm not alone in this.
senpai plz bite my head off
I've been using the French guy's editor with my FB-01 for a while now, but I've noticed something weird. The preset instruments that come on the module respond to changes in the "Output volume" parameter in the Inst function menu and get louder or softer, but all the custom patches I've downloaded or made myself always stay the same volume, which is annoying when I'm trying to balance the volume of stuff for live performance. Is there just a setting in the editor I'm missing that allows custom patches to have variable volume? Thanks for the help.