yeah, sadly the prices have much increased the last few years 
A friend of mine got an Amiga 1200 in very good shape for 50 € some 8 or 10 years ago. Now for the same stuff it would be around 150-200 € I guess (or even more). Recently I saw someone on leboncoin who tried to sell an Amstrad 6128 for 150 €! You just have to be patient or try ebay.
Fun fact for the 3€ DMG gameboy (which is almost like new), the week before, as I couldn't find anything at garage sales, I bought on leboncoin 1 DMG + 1 gameboy color for 35 € (but I don't regret it)
This year I got a nintendo DS (like new) for 15 €, a megadrive 1 for 35 € and a nintendo NES for 30 €
Last edited by garvalf (Aug 18, 2016 10:12 am)